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The End
The End

The End


The End

I’m in pain about everything.

I feel like I’m useless at anything.

I’m tired even if I haven’t moved.

I’m stuck, I can’t think of something new.

My chest feels heavy, I wanna cry,

But the sky is great, the weather’s fine.

So “it is not the right time”,

So, I waited and waited and waited

Found myself at the verge of dying, screaming, and lying.

Keeping all this pain inside me,

“I’ll handle it alone, since it’s all about me.”

I mustered up my courage to face this big blockage.

But, it’s too strong to hold on, “is there someone who’ll help me move on?”

I looked around, but everyone’s busy...

Some looked at me, but they’re carrying something heavy.

I let the blockage get in my way for a minute...

“They need my help, more than I think I need.”

So, I helped them solve their puzzles.

Now, they’re smiling as if nothing happened.

I felt so great, but I looked forward… I was down again.

“Where are they when I need them?”

“Nah, it’s okay... it’s mine anyway.”

“But I helped them when it’s theirs...”

“Gosh, I shouldn’t think like this ever again...”

“But, will they go back to help me?”

“Hmm, nahh let’s forget it as long as they’re happy.”

Some people approached me, I was extremely happy.

They talked, listened, and comforted me.

But when I heard it from someone I haven’t talked to like that before,

I realized someone I trusted betrayed me like it’s nothing at all.

So ever since then, I stopped talking to some.

But there’s one who was so truthful to me.

But I can’t talk as much as I wanted to…

Cuz she’s carrying something heavy too.

So, I went on with my battle alone.

Went to war against something big and cold.

It’s so dark and freezing,

I would never like this feeling,

I can’t breathe I’m suffocating,

Help me, “is there someone who’ll keep me breathing?”

I passed out, I lost.

My big lively eyes became emotionless.

I’m mad, everything is irritating.

Don’t talk to me right now, my mood is running wild.

“I hate this, I hate myself…”

“I never did something great, I am just a burden.”

“I shouldn’t live, I’m making it hard for everyone around me.”

I imprisoned myself, I was motionless.

But I still listened to the people around me, since they needed solace.

I comforted them to make them not like me, “I’m such a hypocrite.”

I lived like this until I became more and more stuck, and broken.

“Is this the finale?”

“At least if I do this, everyone will be happy”

“Wah, what’s waiting for me?”

“I hope it’s something peaceful and pretty.”

“So this is the last, I’m doing this for them anyway.”

“There’s no need for me to cry, everything will be fine...”

“... yup, everything will be fine... once I’m gone.”

The End.


Author Notes: Have fun reading. Don’t be depressed.

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About This Story
5 Sep, 2021
Read Time
2 mins
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