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The First Meet
The First Meet

The First Meet



The first meet

I headed out February third

Just after a snow storm

To go meet this girl thats my brothers friend

It’s us three boys that are in the car

Headed for bowling, it's not that far

We arrive and walk inside

As soon as see her I get a stomach full of butterflies

I fake being confident

But I am really dying inside

I talk and smile as the world starts to sway

How can one person make me feel this way?

A month goes by

And I can’t contain it any longer

I tell her how I feel

And she says she’s the same

How can one person make me feel this way?

Here we are today

Strong as ever

With little thoughts and voices

Saying that we will last forever

How can one person make me feel this way?

Whether strong or weak

We will be here for each other

When we feel broken and beat

We will pick up one another

And I often ask myself

How can one person make me feel this way?


Author Notes: this is a ballad. Not a perfectly perfected one. It’s raw.

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About This Story
26 Aug, 2019
Read Time
<1 min
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