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The Fruits of Labor
The Fruits of Labor

The Fruits of Labor

1 Review

The sun shines through the window,

Beautiful as ever.

She stood, and smoothed her dress.

The creases slowly unfolded.

She pulled the curtains back.

She sighed.

It started to drizzle.

She walked into the kitchen.

The rain became heavier.

The sound of pitter pattering hit the floor like a

Resonant drum.

A tin was placed on the floor to catch the leaking rain.

Her garden glisented still with the everlasting radiant glow.

She put her coat on.

She made a cup of coffee.

The rain stopped.

The drips of water,

Melted away by the Sunday afternoon sun.

She walked outside.

Her cat mewed.

He followed her to the peach tree.

She held a basket.

She picked the peaches, one by one.

She took a bite.

The juice flowed from the peach to the ground.

She smiled.

Author Notes: Hello Again! I hope you enjoyed this poem! None of the genres really fit this poem so I kinda just had to pick one. I hope you all are having a great day! ;)

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About This Story
15 Jan, 2020
Read Time
<1 min
4.0 (1 review)

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