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The girl in the woods
The girl in the woods
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The girl in the woods


A girl named Stella Tamsin was loved by the town she lived in most of the people liked her every time she'll wake up she'll hear everyone in the town by her doorstep yelling out her name. She didn't mind it. She was even popular in her school. She started to get annoyed by the crowd always following her and chasing her the next day she was done. She packed her things before her town woke up. And she ran away from the crazy town. She went far away in the woods and got lost. Nobody ever saw her again nobody wanted to chase after her because no one wanted to get lost there's been a new town and people all over were coming to the town. And a baby boy was born his name was Benson Cris. He was a curious child he would wander around. Some months passed and he was 10 now he would wander around, even more, he would go in the woods once a while and then go back home and eat. The last time he went into the woods he went missing as well. And no one ever saw the two ever again.

Author Notes: Hope you liked it.


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About This Story
7 Jan, 2022
Read Time
<1 min
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