The Greatest Glory

By Aquarius

Every earthly lifetime is a gift from the Highest. Realising this, let’s try to make every minute and second of it count and never give up on what our inner guidance, the wise one or living God within, tells us is true. Let’s not shy away from making mistakes because they are teaching us more than any success ever could. Instead of feeling bad about our blunders, let’s thank them for helping us to evolve into a better person. After all, our moving forwards and upwards on our personal evolutionary spiral could only come about because of what we learnt from our mistakes. So, let’s only look down on someone when we are giving them a helping hand to get up.

The greatest glory is not in never falling,
But in rising again, each time we fall.
Confucius 551-479 BC

Recommended Viewing:
• ‘Everything Happens For A Reason’

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