The Grumpy, Ugly, Grinch Poem
By airizarry
Mr. Grinch
The Grinch hated washing his dog’s dishes.
He was filled with so much anguish.
He was always rejected and denied
Because he was a creature that would always lie.
He didn’t like songs
Nor to sing along.
He stood up atop in his home, feeling ignored
It was only him and his dog, who were bored.
Until one day he heard a knock on the door.
He thought it was presents, but something less more.
A girl
With her hair in a twirl
He turned his back
So he wouldn’t show the fact.
She didn’t like that.
The girl pointed him with a little tap.
Instead of a slap.
He would talk funny
And the shape of his mouth was like a bunny.
His feet stunk
Like a skunk.
His belly stuck out like a beach ball
That his body looked like it was about to fall.
Although the Grinch was ugly
He looked very snuggly.
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