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The Gymnast's Story
The Gymnast's Story
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The Gymnast's Story


Abby is a happy girl. Her parents describe her as a beautiful, amazing, talented, gymnast. Abby got accepted to UCLA the athletics college. When she got the letter, she was so excited! The minute she found out, she told Devin, her boyfriend. Abby told him she had to move away from North Dakota to California. He didn't take it so well. Abby was so excited but Devin did not know how to handle it, so he started taking drugs.

One time when Abby went to visit Devin in North Dakota, she found him cheating. Abby and Devin were supposed to go to Abby's gymnastics meet together. But when Abby found Devin cheating, she told him they were over and she got in her truck and cried about it. Then Abby realized she didn't even need Devin.

Abby decided to try to commit suicide. She drove right into another vehicle. There was a family in that vehicle that just got back from vacation. A little 6 year old girl, a 12 year old boy, and a dad and mom. The dad was seriously injured. A big gush in his leg, and almost dislocated his hip. The 6 year old girl was crying for her mommy and daddy. The son was trying to call the cops and help his little sister. The mom mad pieces of glass stuck in her body and blood in her face. The boy just had a bloody nose and a tear in his ear. The little girl's eye was bleeding. Abby was still alive. She was mad at herself for nearly killing a family.

The coach on UCLA gymnastics team kicked Abby off the team. Abby was disapointed in herself. She faced prison for 5 months. The day 17 year old Abby got out of jail, it was on the news, in the newspaper, and it was the weekly gossip at school. People bullied Abby at school. They make fun of her because she got kicked off of the UCLA gymnastics team. And because her boyfriend cheated on her. One day, Abbigail decided to skip school and not go ever again.

That night Abby got a text from an old friend asking why she wasn't at school because her friends missed her. Abby replied "what friends?" " I don't have any real friends." After Abbigail sent that text, she committed suicide. She took a gun to her head. She was done with being depressed.

Author Notes: This is not a real story. I know it's not quite a short story, but it sure is a good one!


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About This Story
5 Dec, 2016
Read Time
2 mins
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