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The Haunted Forest Part 2

The Haunted Forest Part 2

By khursheedabdallah6

Continued from Part-1

They went back to place were their car was but again a shock the car was that no more located in the place. And everyone were shocked about the place of car and the car had disappeared. Suddenly a heavy sound appears and the sound was traced from the upper region i.e above the tree when everyone looked up it was almost a disaster, the car was above the tree and so everyone terribly shocked that how did the car dislocate from its place. Suddenly at the blink of their eyes the car slipped from the tree and rushed below unfortunately everyone just hurried up but Stalin got stucked up his leg by the root of the banyan. Joseph hurriedly went to save Stalin but he was late and the car thrashed Stalin, but when they checked below the car Stalin's body was not found below the car and it was more than a heart attack, by this trauma Jasmine fainted off. Joseph still had a feeling that someone was playing a game and making everyone a player in his game. At the end of the hour around 15:00 another quarreling sound stumbbled the whole forest, when traced found the body of Stalin just the remaining of flesh just like that of Rohan, now all had left Jasmine near the car but until everyone returned Jasmine was missin...

Author Notes: To Find out where had she been missing stay tuned for the next part of the story.
To be Continued.........

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About This Story
19 Apr, 2013
Read Time
1 min
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