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The Holy Family and Social Media/Modern Technology
The Holy Family and Social Media/Modern Technology

The Holy Family and Social Media/Modern Technology

1 Review

One day while browsing Facebook, and looking at all the photos posted by me, and others, taken at various stages of our lives, and our children, grand children, relatives and friends, it got me thinking, what if social media/modern technology existed during the 1st century, during Jesus's time? (We have very little information when it comes to Jesus as a child, as a teenager and as a twenty something year old.)

What would it be like to go online on FB or on any other social media platform to keep tabs on Jesus, just like we follow our favourite celebrities today?

Imagine the tiny population of Nazareth receiving an email notification regarding the census!

Imagine Mary posting the very first photos of Jesus on FB after His birth, His first crawl, His first step, His first word? And posting a photo of Him on His first birthday with the caption reading “Jesus turns 1 today!” and continues to post photos at each of His milestone birthdays!

Imagine the Three Wise Men using Google Maps to find the exact location of the Stable where Jesus is born! And Imagine the three of them going online to shop for the perfect gift for baby Jesus!

Imagine Simeon taking a selfie at the Temple after meeting the Holy Family!
Imagine Joseph and Mary using “My Location" App when they lose Jesus on their way back from the Temple when He is 12 years old!

Imagine Joseph posting a photo of Mary in the kitchen on FB with the caption reading “Getting ready for Passover, Mary is busy cooking up a storm!”

Imagine the Apostles posting photos of their travels from Village to city and their experiences spending time with Jesus and witnessing first hand Jesus's power and mercy, on their group FB page by the group Administrator Peter himself, titled “ Followers of Jesus" or “ The Galilean Gang" with the caption reading “chillin' with Jesus!”

Imagine the Apostles searching for a place to celebrate the Passover in Jerusalem and goes on Google or FB looking for recommendations!

Imagine the accusers of Jesus posting negative/false information on social media about His teachings!(Just like certain sects of people do nowadays when it comes to Religion, Politics, Global Warming, Racism, cyber bullying, Pandemics etc.!)

Imagine Pontius Pilate doing a live feed of the Trial of Jesus!

Imagine the Roman soldiers posting photos and videos of the journey to Golgotha and the Crucifixion on FB and other social media platforms despite the protests from Mary and John (something certain people in the media and the paparazzi photographers do?)

Imagine the evangelists/authors Mark and Luke of the two Gospels (excluding the Gospels written by Matthew and John) face timing the Apostles to gather information and first hand accounts to write their respective Gospels! And imagine all four of them making the Gospels available to read on Amazon Kindle or making them available as audiobooks online!

Imagine the Apostles using the social media platforms to preach the good news to the world!

Well, I hope you enjoyed reading this or didn’t enjoy it. I mean no disrespect by putting my crazy imaginings to paper, some of you might think it inappropriate. Like I said it's just my crazy imaginings.

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14 Jul, 2020
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2 mins
3.0 (1 review)

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