The Labyrinth Of The Minotaur
Lorient MontanerOur ship had landed off the coast of the island of Crete on the morning of the spring of the year 1916. Our mission was to assist in the archaeological discoveries of the ancient site of Knossos that had included a mythical place that was considered, the abode of the legendary Minotaur.
It would be an intricate labyrinth that would reveal the deepest and horrifying secrets that had lurked behind the dark shadows of death. No one of the original expedition would live to narrate this account that you will read, except Professor Papadopolous and myself.
What we would encounter would be nothing from this world conceived, and more of something from the world of the supernatural awakened. What had begun as a mere quest for archaeological treasures, would abate in a horror that was ineffable in its nature. A horror that was more than half human and half monster.
The members of the expedition were the following, Professors Alexander Moore and William Sutcliffe, both Englishmen, Professors Thomas Doley and Richard Barnes, both Americans, Professor Antonio Delgado, a Spaniard, Professor Nikos Papadopoulos a Greek and myself Professor Luke Caddick, a Welshman.
We were all fascinated by the possibility of making an astonishing discover in the name of archaeology, concerning the Minotaur and his labyrinth of endless corridors. It was the determining factor that had united us in our fervent passion, for the advancement of science and its valuable research.
The vast experience and knowledge of the archaeologists selected were specifically imperative, with the planning of the expedition that was taken into consideration. We had received sufficient funds distributed from both the English government and Greek government as well, to execute our task at hand with great diligence afforded. Crete as an island was full of lush valleys, narrow gorges, pouring waterfalls, freshwater lakes and above all, towering mountains.
It was precisely one of those high and steep mountains that we would have to traverse, in order to reach our ultimate destination. Its fluctuating Mediterranean climate was noticeable upon our arrival at the shore. The island had been reclaimed after the first Balkan War by Greece.
Our first image of the island were the turtles, lizards that were roaming the shoreline. Along the trip, within the gorge that we had passed through, we could descry the scavenging vultures that were hidden, beyond the verdure of the cypress trees feeding on the dead carcass of an Ibex.
The harsh landscape was difficult to tread over the loosened crags and boulders that were conspicuous. We would encounter snakes and scorpions, as we then had passed a medieval bridge that was nearby a flowing river that had led us, beyond the harsh terrain of the solitary gorges.
From my calculations surmised, we had walked a considerable distance, before we would reach the outskirts of Heraklion. The city was once the major centre of the Minoan civilisation and was known for its unique attachment to the myth of Theseus and the Minotaur.
The venerable Minoan palace was located several kilometres, from the city of Knossos. It is said within the legends of the Greeks that the minotaur was half man and half bull, who had lived inside the abode of a labyrinth in Crete. An intrinsic labyrinth had been designed by Daedulus.
According to this Greek legend, to punish Minos, Poseidon made Mino's wife Pasiphae fall in love with a bull. The minotaur would devour human flesh for its sustenance. Minos had Daedulus construct that gigantic labyrinth to hold the Minotaur from escaping, until its presumed death at the hands of Theseus.
Its location was near Mino's palace in Knossos, on the outskirts of Heraklion. The city was at the heart of Minoan society. Despite the passing of centuries, the legend had remained intact. Few men ever dared to question its relevance, until we had accepted the bold challenge that was imposed upon us, as archaeologists.
There had been previous archaeologists who had excavated the site of Knossos, in particular another reputable Englishman, whose name was Sir William Aylesworth. It was precisely from his unique discoveries and reports documented that we were able to have an initial idea of what we would expect upon our excavation.
Once we had finally arrived at Heraklion that late afternoon, we had decided to rest until the next morning, with the hope that we would retain our vigour lost in the trip through the encompassing gorges. Our provisions were enough to endure the arduous trip taken from the shore off the island. At Heraklion, we would gather more provisions and material necessary that would assist us in our intended excavation.
The spirits of the others were high and so was our resolution. We had hired locals to assist us in the period of excavation with the digging. We would supply the pickaxes and shovels acquired, and they would be occupied with the menial tasks of the day performed.
We would awaken that morning afterwards, with tremendous enthusiasm to begin our excavation in earnest. We had meticulously discussed the plan amongst ourselves and devised the most effective manner in accomplishing it with success.
The idea that we had planned with our consensus was that we would mostly excavate, around the areas that were more accessible to us first, then the other parts that were left in a state of ruination, making it difficult to salvage any more important artifacts.
Our approach was similar to that of Sir William Aylesworth who had excavated the area before, with one exception, we were open to the fanciful notion that we could eventually find proof that the Minotaur had once existed. Perhaps it was foolish to make that daring assumption, but we were avid readers of Greek mythology and convinced that a remnant of that mythology was actually based, on the occurrence of limited facts that were historical.
Therefore, we had not disregarded the possibility of finding genuine artifacts that would reveal and prove that the legendary beast of folklore had actually existed, in some natural form that we could attest to its previous presence in history. I was extremely keen on the notion that there was some measure of truth, behind the legend of the Minotaur. I had brought my notes that I had taken, concerning the excavation that Sir William Aylesworth had disclosed to the general public and to the university which I had pertained to.
As a studious professor and archaeologist, I was eager to demonstrate the pertinence that science had, in unveiling the ancestral secrets of ancient societies and the veracity of their claims. There was so much to discover, about the archaeological site that was the palace of Knossos.
Once at the site, I was able to establish in the first hour of the excavation within the perimeters of the palace, the broad range of the area that had included its circumjacence. Sir William Aylesworth had discovered two venerable scripts that had made the distinction of the writing from pictographs that were also present in their design. We had proceeded to label each artifact found and retrieved precisely, from the profound layers of the ancient palace that stood erect.
We could see the visible residuals of the decay from the torrential tempest that had caused great parts of the palace to erode with time. Its walls and pillars were amongst the erosion that was transparent. Despite the wear and tear of the palace, it did display a fascinating image in my head about the reception courtyard and the other potential discoveries inside the palace.
The complex was built around a raised central court on the top of a solitary hill. When we stepped inside the palace, we could observe the interior of the structure. The court was oblong, with a long and horizontal axis, which pointed in the northern direction at the time.
In the ample rooms, we had discovered giant storage jars that were located within the compartments of the floor, which it was believed that wine, oil and grain were stored. The palace itself was estimated to be constructed between the years of 1700 and 1400 BC. With the modifications afterwards, the abundant rooms were connected with narrow corridors of different sizes and direction, along with the main hallways.
Within the six acres, there included a theatre, a main entrance to the palace on each of its four cardinal faces, and extensive storerooms that were intended for various purposes. It was believed that beneath the storage jars there was the substance of gold.
The architecture was fully advanced considering the time period, and in some areas the palace stood erect five stories high. The palace had three separate water systems that were utilised. There was one for supply and another for drainage. There were incredible aqueducts that would bring fresh water to the hill from springs beyond the winding valley.
What was more impressive was the Minoan pillar plastered, painted red and placed on stone bases with noticeable round capitals. Pottery and frescoes were discovered as well, amongst the unique artifacts. The fresco panel murals were red in their appearance.
The centerpiece of the palace was a Throne Room, which was a chamber that had an alabaster seat that had resembled a throne, surrounded by gypsum benches. The room was accessible from an anteroom through double doors that were designed.
The throne had two griffins lying down facing it, one on either side. They were the embodiment of an immemorial epoch. As I had observed closely the two griffins, I pondered about the Minoans. I had known that they were a powerful society in Greek lore. Their history had intrigued me, as well as the myth about the Minotaur.
It was that exact myth that I had come to Crete to discover its authenticity in person. The arrival of the rain would prevent us from continuing the excavation from outside. Thus, we would concentrate more our available time inside of the palace. We had agreed that we would continue the excavation the next morning, with the hope that we would be able to prove or dispel the myth of the Minotaur.
We left the palace and slept in the tents that we had constructed that were outside of the terrain not far in distance. Several guards were paid to protect the site, in case there were vandals that would attempt to steal our precious artifacts unearthed or enter the palace.
Upon the following morning, when we had awakened from our sleep, the rain had persisted and the lightning of the storm had dissuaded us from performing our research. We were compelled to stay inside the tents and discuss what we had discovered the day before. Amongst the professors, there was the discussion of what we would expect to find that Sir William Aylesworth had not already discovered.
Apparently, we were more interested in proving the existence of the Minotaur. That was mostly the singular reason that had enhanced our determination and curiosity. Professor Papadopolous had suggested that we concentrated on trying to locate a passage that was underground, where we had been excavating.
I had been contemplating that suspicion also, and had mentioned to the professor that it was perhaps feasible that we could find the extraordinary labyrinth of the Minotaur underground. The idea was not that far-fetched that the other professors would not accept that innovative concept of the Minotaur. After all, we were all not only men of archaeology, but true explorers of the past and admirers of classical mythology.
This would indeed be a great challenge to any archaeologist, and what we were trying to achieve was considered irrational and fanciful in essence to the outside world. Professor Barnes had offered to display any artifacts discovered about the Minotaur in an exposition in New York City, but Professor Moore and Sutcliffe had thought otherwise. They wanted to exhibit in London these supposed artifacts, if they were discovered. Professor Papadopolous had warned us that they would eventually stay in Greece, if there were any artifacts to be retrieved in the first place.
Our conversation about the Minotaur was exciting and refreshing, taking into consideration the fact that not one artifact about the legendary half-human, half-beast was ever found to be authentic in its nature. I had an urgent fascination to know what the locals of Crete thought, about the Minotaur and its labyrinth of deception. Thus, I had asked the labourers. When asked about their opinions in general, they would only smile and demonstrate little concern or interest in the subject discussed.
They were more occupied with the money that we were paying them to excavate on our behalf than the superstitious tale of the Minotaur. I had the strange feeling that they were keeping a secret, or they were pretending to not know much about the Minotaur. I could sense this in their simple expressions and revealed countenances.
Regardless of their personal opinions, we were determined in solving the perplexing enigma. I would not sleep much on that restless night, for the tempest had not ceased to haunt us. It was better that we did not dwell on the negative things about the expedition, and concentrated more on the excavation that was pending.
In the morning, we had come to terms with the intermittent weather and its unpredictable fluctuations with the period of rain. It had managed to stop and offer us an opportunity to advance with our excavation set forth, in particular from inside the interior rooms of the palace that had arrested our immediate attention.
I had marvelled with the architecture that was manifest in the original design of the palace, but I would never imagine that lying in its depth was a mysterious chamber that would lead us to the ultimate discovery, the labyrinth of the Minotaur. There was nothing concrete that would prepare us for this discovery. Being there inside the palace was enough to offer us, an insight into what life was like for the Minoans, and what was more important, the things that they left behind as evidence of their glorious existence.
Ever since I can recall my infancy, I have been drawn to Greek mythology, from Medusa, the Cyclopes, the Centaur, the Sphinx, but it was the Minotaur who had captivated me enough to seek its actual existence. I had been previously in Egypt, on a remarkable expedition to find Egyptian tombs and was unsuccessful. I had only discovered small fragments of a vestige of their ancient civilisation. None of which were indicative of any of the pharaohs of the past that were considered worthy of nobility.
I had been to the Valley of The Kings that is located on the Nile's west bank near Luxor. There was one thing that I had remembered about the venerable Egyptians, and that was the fact that they created hidden underground mausoleums. I had written down on my notes, that certain expedition and had read the part about how the Egyptian burial chambers were like secret galleries.
Could it just be a mere coincidence that we would find such things, at the interior rooms of the Minoan palace? Once inside the palace, we began to explore its magnificent structure, with the intent of locating an undisclosed chamber of the underground place of the Minotaur. If a labyrinth truly existed, then it had to be somewhere close by in its proximity. It was difficult to know which of the rooms had that secret passage that led to the labyrinth of the Minotaur.
As I had stated before, we were not guaranteed of finding anything of substance that was linked to its whereabouts or past. Our expectations were high, but at the same time realistic in our endeavour to seek the truth. I knew that it was possible that we would find extraordinary depictions of it drawn on the walls of one of the rooms inside the palace, but I was more interested in discovering the intricate nature of the labyrinth.
When we the professors were gathered, we had resumed our conversation about the Minotaur and the labyrinth. We had discussed more in depth the secret chamber. Everywhere inside the chambers and corridors we sought, there was no significant evidence about such a place that was existential.
Upon that night, we spent the time in our tents conveying our thoughts to each other, but not resigning our tenacity to proceed with the search for the concealed labyrinth. The winds of the island of Crete were stirring, even when there was no storm present. We had sufficient lighting with our torches and oil lamps to accompany us in the darkness, and we had entrusted our fate, in the locals to guard the archaeological site from any nocturnal thieves.
The morning arrived with a relative calm that had provided the chance for us to explore the interior rooms of the palace once more, but this time with more time focused on discovering the plausible location of the labyrinth of the Minotaur. It was determined and concurred afterwards, by the members of the expedition that we would persist in our goal, convinced that our effort would not be in vain. The question that was yet to be resolved was, would we actually find something that was tangible in evidence to link to the labyrinth and establish it as factual?
The mere notion of the existence of the Minotaur was sufficient to enthrall us into a never-ending quest, for the ineffable thing that had lurked, behind the opaque shadows of the labyrinth concealed in the mystery of life and death. It was in one of the rooms near the Throne Room, where the vivid depictions of the two griffins were discovered earlier that upon a closer observation, I had noticed the depiction of the Minotaur.
What was unique was that its right hand was pointing upwards, whilst its left hand was pointing downwards. Was this nothing more than a symbolic gesture, or was there something more relevant that could indicate an important discovery? To the other professors, there were different opinions on the matter expressed. Professor Moore and Doley had agreed with my astute observation. Professor Barnes had suggested it was more of a reverential pose to honour the gods.
As for the rest of the professors, including Professor Papadopolous, they had reached the conclusion that it was a visible sign to display strength. The Minotaur was the example of sheer power. It had only seemed reasonable to make that logical assumption, but I was still fixated on the hands of the beast.
We began to feel the soil of the Throne Room for any possible traces of profound erosion. It was not until one of the professors had noticed that there was a soft spot where we could dig. I had instructed the labourers to excavate the area at once, with the hope that we would unearth the entrance to the chamber of the labyrinth of the Minotaur.
After half an hour of excavating, we had located what had appeared to be something solid in formation. All the soil and dirt were gradually removed, along with the rocks that were buried underneath the solid substance. Whatever had lain below was intended to not be discovered and remain hidden behind a heavy latch that was covered in the particles of rust that had belonged to a subterrene chamber.
At approximately one hour in duration, after we had penetrated the solid substance, we had managed to open the latch and had discovered a latent chamber that was unknown to us. It was narrow in its opening and very dark and damp. Was this an ominous foreboding, or was it the discovery that I had yearned for? There was an immediate thrill in me that had wanted to believe that we had at last, located the surreptitious labyrinth of the Minotaur. If so, it was too unbelievable to accept such finding.
We then proceeded to examine the depth of the chamber, its measurements and the hole. We used tape for the measurements to determine its depth in its totality. In the end, we were able to calculate that the bottom of the chamber was no more than 12 feet in depth and 8 feet in width. That meant that whoever had constructed the chamber had thought about confining whatever was inside its structure.
The fascination to discover the truth had increased in me as well, as the others. We were not expecting to find a living Minotaur, but instead, remnants or a vestige of its quondam existence that could be irrefutable proof of its authenticity. The labourers were the first to climb down the ladder steadfastly into the deep descent, then we the professors had followed their lead.
I was the first of the professors to witness the darkled shade of narrow corridors that we encountered once we had stepped on the ground. The breathable air inside the chambered place was covered within an unusual vapour, and there was a foul stench of death everywhere that could be smelt.
There were thick vines and mould that had encompassed the sturdy walls. We had brought the oil lamps and lit our torches to allow us to see ahead as we walked, utilising our compasses. A prevailing eeriness had suddenly encompassed the area unannouncedly. We had reached an intervening chamber that was totally blocked and were unable to proceed forth with our search.
We were a total of fifteen men, including the local labourers that had been assisting us in the excavation. As we had approached closer, we could hear the distinct sound of hissing that had alarmed us. No one knew or did anyone conceive the precursor of the madness that would ensue afterwards.
From nowhere, a mighty throng of winged insects, with their antennae and the serrated appearance of their legs had rushed through the corridor of obtenebration, heading in our direction. They had a voracious appetite, and we were its intended victims.
Our instinct had compelled us to react, and our reaction was immediate. Some of the labourers had run back to the opening of the chamber, but were thwarted by the swarm of scarabs, who covered them from head to toe, suffocating them to their deaths, whilst others including myself had pounded on the wall of the chamber, hoping to burst through it.
Others had attempted to lift it, but could not budge it. Professor Delgado had touched an area of the wall, and it had instantly lifted up on its own. There was no time to waste, and we quickly pulled down the wall, protecting us from the army of scarabs.
We had escaped our impeding doom. The scarabs were not able to enter nor penetrate the wall that divided us between them. Our hearts had beaten fast, and we had felt a shortage of breath, from the harrowing encounter we had recently experienced. We were temporarily safe and free from the daunting scarabs, but this meant that we could not return from whence we had come from originally. This had meant also that we were prisoners of the underground place we had entered on our own accord.
For the time being, there was no other recourse, but to proceed ahead. Our plan was altered by the attacking scarabs. The question I had pondered, was this an omen of what was to occur? With our lit torches and oil lamps, we had continued with our intriguing search.
The corridor was just as narrow as the previous one, making it extremely difficult to pass or to breathe. I had the intuited sense that whatever was ahead of us to be discovered, would be much more impactful than the encounter with the scarabs. We had lost four labourers to them.
What we had discovered was another narrow and opaque corridor that was covered in thick vines and mould. Once more the feeling that had entered my mind was of a portentous nature. If we were relieved to have survived the wrath of the scarabs, what was awaiting us at the end of the corridor was of an evil that was tormenting in its pursuit. The sound of whistling murmurs was audibly heard by us, as we stood in anticipation of what had caused the sound to resonate.
Then from the engulfing darkness approached a vortex of eidolons that had materialised, from an albescent mist that had begun to surround us. Seeing what was occurring, all of us who had survived the scarabs would begin to find an escape route. At first, there were numerous tunnels or passages that led in different directions. Some of us scurried on to one passage, and the others including myself had scurried on to another passage that was opposite.
Unfortunately, for some, the passage they had chosen would lead them to their immediate death. We had divided ourselves into mini groups, as we had run. I along with Professor Papodopolous and two labourers had managed to escape the eidolons, as well as Professor Moore and Barnes, but the others were not that fortunate.
Regrettably, we would lose Professor Sutcliffe, Professor Doley, Professor Delgado and one of the labourers. They were dead and would be consumed by the insidious eidolons, who had devoured their souls and caused them to be poisoned by the enveloping mist. All that could be heard of them were they agonising screams.
Professor Papadopolous and myself had located the other remaining members of the excavation, through another passage that had connected ours with theirs. The unsuspected terror was menacing and real to be dismissed, as our fanciful imagination. It was hard to believe that we had encountered not only centurial scarabs, but eldritch eidolons also that were both either trapped in the underground chamber, or were a hidden part of its madness.
We were unprepared for the eventual horror that was awaiting us in our search. We had brought our flasks of water and had some food in our haversacks. This we had prepared for, knowing that once we had located the underground vault, we would be needing our provisions; especially not knowing how long we would be away.
It was probably evening by then, but we could not tell, because the only flashing light we had available were the lit torches and oil lamps we had carried with us. We walked farther inwards, until we had reached the edge of another frightening corridor. This time what we would encounter was much more shocking than the scarabs and the eidolons. We would come face to face with the mythological Gorgons, with their snakelike bodies.
As we were cautiously exploring the circumference of the corridor and walls, we could hear the echoes of hissing noises that were peculiar in nature. At first, there was an indistinctive view of some things that were approaching us. In a matter of minutes, we could see them clearly, with our lit torches.
It was the Gorgons, with coiling serpents around their heads. They had released from their heads, venomous snakes and scorpions to attack us with a full vengeance. Panic and trepidation had entered our bodies, and we had attempted to flee to the hidden passages that were now abundant in the underground chambers. This time Professor Moore and one of the labourers were not lucky to had survived the Gorgons. They would become their chosen victims.
As we had scurried away from the minacious serpents and scorpions, Professor Moore and the labourer were caught and bitten to death by the venom of the snakes and scorpions. Their remains would be left in hardened stones, caused by the wicked stare of the eyes of the Gorgons.
There was now only Professor Barnes, Professor Papodopolous, a labourer and myself that were alive then. What was supposed to be an exciting search for the labyrinth of the Minotaur had resulted, in being a dreadful nightmare that had no surcease. We had begun to question the horror that we were confronting, and what world had we entered?
At that point in time, we were looking for any viable escape that would permit us to leave the underground place, but as we continued forth, we would by mere chance, reach a chamber that led on to endless rows of an unknown place of amazement.
What we did not know in the beginning, was the fact that we had reached the legendary labyrinth of the Minotaur, as was mentioned in the fabled tale. Unlike the other dark chambers and passages, this labyrinth was illumined and composed of elaborate circular paths that led somewhere or to nowhere. It also was a colossal structure that towered over us.
The Minotaur was imprisoned in an underground labyrinth, and the walls had seemed to us sturdy and impossible to break through. The thought that the tauromorphic beast was nigh, was lurking in our deepest fears. It was then that a mighty roar of the Minotaur had resounded through the labyrinth, shaking the walls forcefully, with such ferocity. A sable shadow of evil had emerged from the darkness of the passage entering the extensive labyrinth. It was the dauntless image of the Minotaur.
Instinctively, it knew where to find us. Its horns were inflamed with fire, and its nostrils had released that fire outwardly. Its eyes were of an inflammable red colour. The stench of rotten flesh wafted from its skin, covered in hairy fur on its chest. It stood two metres tall, and it had shaken its tail in display of its sheer dominance, as it walked on its hooves, searching for its next prey.
We who were the remaining survivors had hidden in different parts of the labyrinth, thinking if we were separated and not together, we could confuse the gargantuan Minotaur. This tactic would not be sufficient, for the beast had an acute sentience to locate anyone that was in its domain. It would sense the smallest display of fear or doubt.
This was not a good sign for us, but we remained vigilant and quiet to not alert the Minotaur of our presence. It had appeared that we had indeed confuse it for a moment, until it approached the vicinity where Professor Barnes and the labourer were hiding.
It was the labourer whose fear had overwhelmed his position, and he had attempted to flee the area and the grasp of the Minotaur. Unfortunately, for him, he would not get far. The beast had seized him and quickly tore him into scattered pieces, devouring his human flesh.
From my location, I was able to witness the horrendous occurrence, and the thought that had entered my mind was what was awaiting us? Professor Barnes had reacted with imprudence. He would begin to run from the Minotaur, into to another passage of the labyrinth, but he would soon encounter the beast face to face.
The passage that he had went through had no egress. Thus, he was trapped, and the Minotaur would find him, devouring his flesh too. The agonising screams of the professor were heard from a kilometre away, as we had coiled in absolute consternation. From amongst the members of the excavation, only I had brought a weapon that was a gun. I had several bullets at my disposal, but I knew that I had to choose wisely, when to use them. I was not even certain that the Minotaur could be killed by mere bullets. If it was supernatural, then how could we destroy something of that ambiguous nature?
Professor Papadopolous had suggested that we shoot at the top of the walls, thinking that we could cause the walls to crumble and trap the Minotaur in its long labyrinth. Our options were few, and we were taken a risk, knowing that we could be trapped as well. We were confronting a direful predicament—stay and be devoured by the Minotaur or attempt to destroy it.
We had come so far to find the legendary labyrinth and Minotaur to have to destroy them, but our possibility of living was greatly reduced under the circumstance we were enduring. There were little advantages that we had, and the Minotaur was not going to allow us to escape, without a struggle. I had acquiesced to the suggestion of Professor Papadopolous, and we waited until the Minotaur had approached us, but I had seen from the corner of my eye, a passage that had led to another chamber.
Whilst the Minotaur had been occupied with Professor Barnes, I had entered and saw a treasure trove of gold coins and jewelry that were sparkling. There were bronze pillars and a lone monolith with pictographs, surrounded by concentric circles. What was impressive was the image of the precious antiquity of the chamber.
Immediately, I had informed Professor Papadopolous, and he had entered as well. It was truly unbelievable that we had located the golden throne that had belonged to the Minotaur. For a moment we were blinded by the discovery that we had forgotten, about the roaming beast of the labyrinth. That fleeting moment would not last for long, for the ferocious Minotaur had sensed our presence and was heading towards our direction.
Quickly, I told the professor to hide, and we both did, behind one of the adamantine walls that were covered with gold coins. We waited with anticipation and with a great measure of anxiety. We could see the indomitable beast walking towards us clearly, as he puffed a heavy breath from his fiery nostrils in its advance. Its sharp hooves had left deep indentations of footprints that were marked, with the soil that he trod over loosely.
Its pointed horns were sharp as a blade, and his beady eyes were penetrating. It was at that exact moment, when I shot at the top of the walls with my bullets, instantly causing the walls to crumble downwards. As we had planned, it would trap the Minotaur in its complex labyrinth. The beast would stumble on to the ground afterwards, as the heavy stones of the walls had trapped it. An obstreperous roar would be heard echoing, as we saw the occurrence unfold before our observant eyes.
For a moment, we were uncertain of what to do next, for the parts of the labyrinth that had remained in tact were still endless in length. There was no way to return from the original entrance of the underground chamber, and we had no prior knowledge, about what else was to be discovered in the other areas of the labyrinth.
Therefore, we chose the only viable option to proceed ahead, with the hope that we would find a way out of the labyrinth and to our safety. The illumination of the labyrinth had allowed us to continue walking. We still kept our torches at hand and oil lamps, in case we would confront the terrible darkness anew or have to use them against any fouler creatures of the underworld that were lurking in the sable shade of death mercilessly.
We had walked and walked, until we saw ahead of us, another mysterious passage. At first, we were both hesitant. Professor Papadopolous had thought that the passage could be a way out of the labyrinth. However, I was not certain that we would not discover another horrible evil that was expecting us. We had awakened enough of that evil to want to not experience another frightening episode. We had confronted menacing scarabs, preternatural eidolons, hideous Gorgons, and finally, an imposing Minotaur.
We were in no condition to confront any more unfathomable creatures. Whatever we would then encounter of a preternatural origin was something that we did not seek. Enough blood and flesh had been taken unwillingly, and enough horror was already unleashed. The passage would be our salvation and lead us outside of the labyrinth. It would take us to the hills that surrounded the archaeological site that we had been excavating.
We were free at last from the horror that was the underground labyrinth, with its innumerable chambers and narrow passages. My heart had beaten subitaneously, as I had seen from below, the light of the rays of the morning sun that had shone upon my eyes with its reflection. Professor Papadopolous and myself were extremely fortunate to have survived the lingering terror that was the underground world of the supernatural beings that we had confronted.
The entrance that we had discovered that allowed us to climb down to the labyrinth was forever closed, due to the crumbling walls that had caved in afterwards. We had also sealed off the exit we had taken to depart from the labyrinth, so that no one could discover its existence. We would never be able to unearth the entrance again, and the unprecedented terror we had experienced was sufficient to know about the lurking presence of death.
When it had seemed that I would not salvage anything of value from the labyrinth, I would be shown remarkable pieces of evidence that Professor Papadopolous had discovered, a handful of gold coins and jewelry that had belonged to the treasures of the Minotaur.
He had managed to take these coins from the chamber of the throne. They would be equally shared amongst us, but the discovery of the labyrinth and the Minotaur would be never revealed by us. The encounters with the other supernatural beings were not disclosed to the public. It was our personal secret to keep and take to our graves. We did not forget the others that had perished, Professor Moore, Professor Sutcliffe, Professor Doley, Professor Barnes and Professor Delgado, along with the labourers.
I had come to the island of Crete and to the Palace of Knossos to find the legendary Minotaur and its labyrinth. When I had departed the place, I would leave with the troubling impression that perhaps deep under the boulders of crumbling rocks, the fierce Minotaur would rise again.
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