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The Lady in the Train
The Lady in the Train

The Lady in the Train


It was a rainy day. Wasana got up early in the morning and did everything which she had to do as the first duty of the day. She was looking through the window until the rain cleared. “ Yes, it is enough,” She said to her mother. The mother came to her in blessing mode and gave the lunch box to her with love. Wasana worshipped the mother and came down to the road despite the rain.

No one was on the road because of the rain but it was not heavy. She furled and dipped the umbrella just before entering the railway station. Lots of water drops fell down from the umbrella and wet her clothes. The railway station was crowded and all of them were waiting for the express train. Most of them were looking at the railway line absorbed in their own thoughts. The rails were glistening with water drops and shining in the sunshine. The wind flew through the railway station, whistling and cooling everyone in the station.

" Attention please, ........ The Express train will come to the 1st platform and it will stop ......................... " the speaker which was hanging in the corner of the station was shouting.

The crowd was gathered on the platform 1 and peered to see if the train was coming. The train came with a screeching sound capable of hurting babies and old persons in the station.

Wasana got into the train and came to the center of the carriage through the crowd. The train began unsteadily to go to the next station. She clasped the pole tightly because the train began to sway. After a few minutes, she saw some lady who sat on a seat with a big, dirty bag looking at her. The lady was trying to say something to Wasana through the crowd. There were a few men around her. She was looking troubled and her curly hair was moving up and down with the wind. She signed to Wasana by moving her head. Wasana moved closer to her through the crowd and looked at her with doubt. Suddenly she stood up.

" Sit down, I am going to get off the train at the next station, ”she said and rushed to the door of the train box called a carriage.

Wasana was surprised and sat down contemplating the unthinkable behaviour of the strange lady.

" Why she did not give the seat up for these men? It may be payback for men not giving up their seats to women, or maybe kind thinking about me,” Wasana pondered as she remembered how that lady's eyes were glistening with happiness when she sat down on the seat.

The train stopped at the next station and the lady got off the train. Wasana followed her with thoughtful eyes through the old window of the train.

" Attention please, ........ The Express train waiting at the 2nd platform will stop ......................... " The trumpeting speaker began to shout with a lady’s voice. Meanwhile, the lady with a big bag disappeared among the blurred faces in the crowd.

Author Notes: Unusual things happen to us in life, and we should not ponder their source

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About This Story
18 Jul, 2019
Read Time
2 mins
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