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By Colyn - 1 Review

Its been 3 years now since I last read those
letters, it was a quite bitter memory to be kept
but it was one of the most important things to
me to be forgotten, whenever I saw the box
where it was neatly kept, I just half smile and
started to remember the past.
Way back in 2003, it was the year that I started to
recieve a letter from him monthly after February,
it was also the year when I started to learn a lot
about life and love. Written on a stationary or
scented papers at times, it says(maybe) the most
sweetest words he ’d ever known, the most heart
warming thoughts, how much love he have for
me and how grateful he is for coming into his life.
There are also times that I recieved a letter that
says how sorry he is for the times we had a
fight, and after that.. handed me a letter with a
poem saying how much he value what we have,
his dreams and plans for us, and ofcourse.. his
promises. It was always been neatly written and
prepared, but on our sixth month.. I recieved no
letter, I was bothered.
Suddenly, he ask for a pen and piece of paper, I
gave him. After minutes of writing, he gave me
the letter. Im not yet done reading, I was on the
3rd sentence when tears came out already.. the
letter touched my heart, badly. As the letters get
blurred by the tears that stained the paper, I
continue. The letter says that Im the one who
completed his life, but he doesn ’t know how he
feels about me anymore, it hurts.. it hurts a lot,
and it ’ve caused me a wound (’till now). It was so
painful, no amount of words.. I was shocked. On
my own hand, I ’ve accept the letter that broke
my heart.
I still kept the letter, and sometimes I read it again
and again. I still feel the pain, but I never want to
forget the man who handed me his last love
letter, he ’s always with me.. we’re friends.
“Someday.. someone will walk into your life and
make you realized why it never worked out with
anyone else.. ”

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About This Story
4 Dec, 2010
Read Time
1 min
3.0 (1 review)

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