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The Leading Shadow
The Leading Shadow

The Leading Shadow

kirra_cameronKirra Cameron
2 Reviews

My heart hits the breaks

When the horrid sobs escape my mother’s lips.

The words that barely come out of her mouth.

“Mum, what happened.”

My Dad, my Hero, My Savior

He wraps his muscular arms around my fragile mother and rocks her,

Rubbing his hand across her cheeks.

“It’s ok my love, it’s ok.”

I stand in silence which seems like years and gather the fear in my voice

“What happened.”

My mother’s blue eyes rest on my soul, tears streaming down her cheeks.

Her heartbreaking from under her eyes. Uncle Mike has passed.

My heart, it collapses.

My eyes, swollen from the sudden breakage of my heart.

My stomach knotted in pain.

I feel broken.

A small part of my heart was lifted into heaven on the 25th of August.

a huge part of my heart broke, another part understood.

Another part pained for my Grandmother, my All.

Her only brother, her life, her best friend, her companion, her pea in a pod.

Just got lifted into heaven.

I breathe, look back at my mother.

Eyes, white with worry.

My father, Pained expression. Heartbreaking for my mother.

I wrap her in my arms as hard as I could, trying to flatten her thoughts.

Trying to wrap her safely in a blanket,

trying to break the worry from her head.

Her body collapses in my arms, the shudders of her chest on my shoulders.

Grandpa Mike, I love you. Our last walk in the botanical gardens was one of the most special things to me, thank you. I know you can hear me every night when I talk to you, I know you can hear me when I pray for you to be standing next to granny’s bed, wrapping her in a bear hug. I know you can hear me for everything I ask. Thank you for making the most amazing time with me, and the memories that I will cherish forever.


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About The Author
Kirra Cameron
About This Story
17 Oct, 2017
Read Time
1 min
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4.5 (2 reviews)

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