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The Life of a Video Game Ep 2
The Life of a Video Game Ep 2

The Life of a Video Game Ep 2


Danny reached the 3rd room she took a deep breath and continued to walk she saw a door made out of skulls and arm bones.

Danny walked toward the door She stopped to look around she walked more to the door but it felt like she was walking backward.

She stepped back and it felt like she was going forward. she continues walking backward because it felt like she was going forward.

she finally made it to the door and it smelt like rotten beef

[Danny] this smell is gross It smells like rotten beef!

Danny couldn't get the door opened She tried very hard to open the door.

She uses all her strength but nothing, not even a crack.

[Danny] This shit sucks! what the fuck is wrong with this thing!?

[Danny] I'll rather open a pickle gar than this!

Danny suddenly noticed that she is wasting her time.

and the door is just right there to trick the players.

She runs back to the room she was in.

And found the real door.


Danny ran up to the door and opened it up she went to the next room.

And it was full of machines and food and bandages.

She found a bag in the room and grabbed it.

She put all the food in the bag and the bandages.

Author Notes: Ep 3 coming soon! Hope you enjoyed the story
And make sure to take a look at my other stories
and I'm making another account soon

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2 Feb, 2022
Read Time
1 min
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