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The Loneliness of My Life.
The Loneliness of My Life.

The Loneliness of My Life.

papin49Roberto Perez

My Loneliness.

The topic of loneliness has become more familiar to all of us, after the appearance of the coronavirus throughout the world. We know that many people have been suffering from such a cruel but real evil. whether due to obligation, ruthless divorces, illness, death, or lack of money, people have been confined in the bad experience of living by themself.

Nobody says it would be easy. But, many people make it looks like this by approaching the topic superficially, it is easier to talk about it that way than talking with those who have experienced this problem and who have been able to survive it. The only formula that I could find to live in this kind of isolation was to hold on to God as a real being that has given me the security of knowing that although the world leaves me, he will always be my guide, shield, doctor for excellence, lawyer and everything. Above all my redeemer.

Psalm 27: 10 -11

10- Though my father and mother forsake me, the Lord will receive me. 11- Teach me your way, Lord. lead me in a straight path because of my oppressors.

Author Notes: God is our savior to overcome any adversity.

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About The Author
Roberto Perez
About This Story
28 Nov, 2021
Read Time
<1 min
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