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The Lottery

The Lottery

By eternalcynic

why should anyone care about anything ever? there is an inevitability to the outcome of any moment. therefore, there is no use resisting. one should be carefree and enjoy the moment to the fullest. only then will life turn out to be meaningful. most of us are so anxious to get to the end that we miss living the process in the present. life should not be led in retrospect.

however, one should be very circumspect about one's actions. living in the moment does not imply non application of mind; on the contrary, it implies complete application of all faculties to the problem at hand, to the point of exclusion of all other distractions.

one should enjoy the process. it is the only thing we have. the process. the result is sure to come, or rather, 'some' result is sure to come. so why worry? the moment is all that there is.

anxiety has no place. it should be made redundant. this exclusion of anxiety also enhances efficiency. one is able discharge ones responsibiliites and functions more efficiently. it also brings in more focus on the task at hand. one is sure to attain ones objective when the focus doesn't waver, and worrying about the outcome often causes a lapse in concentration.

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About This Story
24 Feb, 2013
Read Time
1 min
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