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The Manor on the Hill
The Manor on the Hill

The Manor on the Hill



Sarah ran from room to room, frantically, searching for her child, with tears streaming down her face, her long auburn hair, soaking wet, hung loose about her shoulders. Her pale skin glistening in the candlelight she was holding. Her long blue satin dress dripping with water, clung to her slender form.

The sound of her son crying had woken her up in the middle of the night. When she went to check on him, she found, to her horror, an empty crib.

The storm was still raging outside, the rain coming down in torrents, the wind howling like an invisible monster with the occasional clap of thunder, which illuminated the hallway as she ran searching for Jamie who's cries were echoing through the hallway.

“Where are you my darling? Where has he taken you? She called out in anguish. “what have you done to my boy you monster! answer me!" She screamed into the darkness.

A few years ago.........

Thomas Chadwick had made Frank, his youngest son, sole heir to the Chadwick fortune, which did not sit well with his oldest son Marcus.

It was a bitter pill to swallow. He never forgave his father for what he called the “ultimate betrayal.” He had sworn to exact revenge on both of them, seething with anger, his emerald green eyes glowing in the candle lights burning in the study.

Marcus Chadwick was a force to be reckoned with, unlike his younger brother, he was sly and ruthless, a master manipulator, everyone in town feared him, his oldest son had no empathy, no respect for anyone.

Marcus was six years older than Frank. They were opposites, both in character and in appearance.

His oldest son was the spitting image of himself, tall and ruggedly handsome, well built, with ebony hair and the same green eyes, while Frank resembled his mother, with sandy blonde hair and light blue eyes, equally handsome, with a good physique.

Thomas gazed at the portrait of his late wife who had died giving birth to his youngest son, and said “Oh! Martha where did I go wrong with Marcus?

I gave them everything they asked for, loved them both equally. Yet Marcus has always resented me, resented his brother, for the life of me, I don't know why!” he continued still looking at his wife's portrait.

“I had no other choice, I had to chose Frank over him, for the sake of the family, for the sake of the business. Tell me I did the right thing, please tell me” he said, as he cried out in anguish.

Neither Thomas nor Frank ever heard from Marcus again. He disappeared into the night without so much as a whisper.

Until one day he suddenly reappeared at the doorstep on the day of Frank's wedding to Sarah Williamson, whom he had been engaged to, for several months. He claimed to have had a change of heart and begged them to forgive him and let him back into the fold.

His father however, was skeptical, he didn't quite believe that his oldest son had changed. But he decided to give Marcus a chance at the behest of Frank and Sarah, his soon to be daughter-in-law. He was not about to deny her anything, beautiful Sarah, he loved her like a daughter, so he finally agreed to forgive Marcus and welcome him back into the family.

Several months later........

Sarah had given birth to their first baby, a boy. They named him Jamison Arthur Chadwick. Jamison after Thomas’s father and Arthur after her father, who had died two year ago due to a long illness, she never knew her mother who had abandoned both her and her father when she was a baby.

As she gazed into the tiny face of her new born son, her mind drifted to the past.

She did not come from wealthy and accomplished stock like the Chadwicks. Her father had been Thomas's legal advisor before he fell ill and had to go into an early retirement. He had been poor and had come up in life the hard way, her mother Alice, she learned had been a school teacher at the local school before she ran away with a traveling salesman, leaving her husband to take care of the baby all by himself.

She went to the same local school, as the Chadwick boys. She did not associate with them in the beginning as she was somewhat intimidated by them, especially Marcus, there was something so dangerous, almost diabolical about his demeanour toward others, which was frightening. As for Frank, he was the quiet type, kind, considerate and friendly. They became friends gradually, which annoyed Marcus terribly.

These were the same qualities that attracted her to him years later as an adult, as well as his handsome good looks and great physique.

She had been a little nervous at first when Frank started to pay attention to her romantically. She was a teacher by then just like her mother, teaching at the same school. The Chadwicks were one of the prominent and wealthy families in town. Almost all of the wealthy and not so wealthy young ladies were after them or at least after their money. But Frank chose her.


Frank stood at the entrance to the nursery looking at his beautiful wife who was totally unaware that he was standing there watching her nursing their baby. He considered himself to be the luckiest man, to have been able to win her heart before anyone else. She was the most beautiful girl in town, tall and slender, pale skin with long auburn hair and brown eyes.

She was different from the rest, kind and thoughtful unlike some of the rich uppity girls his brother opted to waste his time with. Sure, he told himself, there were plenty of other girls who came after him but he only had eyes for Sarah, who in turn were sought after by other eligible young men in town. But he was the one who swept her off her feet in the end.

Frank had grown up happy and content in the life that his father had provided for him and his brother. He admired, respected and loved his father very much. After his mother’s death he had been both a father and a mother to the two of them. He was away most of the time on business, but whenever he was with them he had given them his undivided attention.

His was brought back from his reverie by the clearing of a throat, he saw his wife standing near the baby's basinet, looking at him with a playful yet accusatory look in her eyes with her hands clasped behind her back in a typical school teacher fashion as if she was disciplining one of her students.

“What are you doing hovering around in the hallway Mr. Chadwick? She asked playfully. He walked in to the nursery with his eyes downcast, embarrassed that his beloved wife had caught him spying on her. “Oh, I was busy gazing at my beautiful wife who I believe, were equally busy day dreaming” he replied with a smile. “Tell me my darling, is it me that you were day dreaming about?” he asked.

Sarah gave him a teasing look as she walked past him. As she reached the doorway she turned back and replied, “Of course not, I was day dreaming about this handsome sailor I met last week, while on a walk in the park with Gertrude!” She bolted down the hallway with trails of laughter as her husband chased after her.


Marcus stood at the terrace shuddering with disgust at the thought of his brother being married to that no good school teacher. What did she bring into the family? Nothing, except give birth to a creature who howled all day and night.

Frank could have done better, he could have married into a wealthy family like theirs, instead he chose her, that gold digger! Not only did she mange to ensnare his gullible little brother, she had his father wrapped around her little finger too, “the miserable little wench!” He muttered under his breath.

He expected nothing less from her, considering the kind of woman her mother was, running off with a man while being married to another. He knew her kind so well, he had been with a few like her, himself, slithering her way into his little brother's life like a snake. It wasn't a complete shock to him, when he read the announcement of their engagement in the papers.


Their wealth came from whiskey and tobacco. His grandfather had started the business and his father had developed it into a thriving enterprise, which fell on Thomas's shoulders upon his passing.

He was busy travelling, very much involved in the business that he did not get married until he was well into his mid thirties. He had been courting Martha for nearly two years, until she lost her patience and threatened to end the relationship.

Thomas chuckled to himself remembering the look on her beautiful face, the woman was feisty and relentless, which is why he fell in love with her in the first place. Martha came from a wealthy family, which satisfied his father very much.

She was accomplished, well mannered and kind hearted, which were some of the traits his younger son inherited from her. In some way, Sarah reminded him of his late wife. His daughter-in-law had that same feisty spirit, which is why he came to love her.

His thoughts drifted to his new born grandson as he stood at the edge of the cliff looking out into the ocean. The Chadwick line was secure, with him at the helm, and Frank waiting in the wings. He had total confidence that Frank will show Jamie how the business is run once he comes of age, which gave him a sense of relief as he continued to gaze at the sun, setting in the horizon.


Three years later........

Jamie had just turned three, he is growing up fast. Sarah couldn't stop smiling as she watched her baby boy running around in the garden next to the pond, which was his favourite spot. He is the spitting image of his father, except he had her nose and chin.

His doting grandpa had thrown him a grand party with lots of presents to last a lifetime. “He really knows how to spoil a child” she said to herself.

Thomas had been more excited than her son, behaving like a child, having fun running around playing with all the kids at the party, much to the amazement and delight of their other grown up guests. Everyone who were invited was there, except Marcus, who had excused himself from the festivities saying he had an important errand to run in the neibouring town. He was gone for two days.

Sarah was glad of his absence, he would have made everyone feel uneasy, especially her, there was something about him that still frightened her. He was courteous and civil toward her in front of his father and brother, but whenever he ran into her or found her alone, his whole demeanour changed. He looked at her in disgust as if she was some dirty smelly old hag trespassing on his property. It's at these times that she regretted ever siding with Frank in convincing his father to take his brother back.


Marcus was making steady progress. He had a plan, and he had to gain everyone’s trust in order for it to work. He felt that in spite of his father's tough exterior, he is starting to mellow a little as he have been spending a lot of time bonding with the wretched little thing.

He had no problem with his younger brother, as he foolishly thought they could actually work together. Frank was making all the decisions now that their father had taken a step back letting his youngest son take care of the business and the running of the estate, with him acting as his lapdog.

He didn't even bother with Sarah. He knew just how to handle her when the time came. “Yes, all I have to do is play the part of the dutiful son, the loving brother, the doting uncle for a little while longer and I can crush the whole damn lot of them!”

He recalled the promise he made to them the night he stormed out of the house and away from this wretched town “I will make them pay, I will make them suffer as they have made me suffer, if it's the last thing I do!” he screamed, glaring into the mirror, burning with rage.

Two weeks later........

Frank was planning to go away on business for a few days, Sarah insisted that she and Jamie should join him, much to her husband's surprise. “why, my darling, are you feeling bored?” He asked her teasingly.

Sarah turned slightly red at his comment. She didn't want to tell Frank about how uneasy his brother made her feel, she wasn't prepared to spend a single night alone in this big old house without him.

Frank and Marcus were getting along great working together, she didn't want to create a rift between them by filling his head with her suspicions about his older brother. Instead she merely said, “ No I am not bored, I think it will be a good idea for the three of us to get away for a few days.

“It's been a while, we haven't gone anywhere together ever since the honeymoon, besides it will be good for Jamie, oh! darling please say yes.” Frank sighed and finally gave in to his wife’s pleadings.

They set off on a glorious summer morning. To Sarah's delight Gertrude, her best friend, agreed to accompany them as she had an aunt living in the city where Frank is having the business meeting.

Reluctantly Thomas bid them farewell and send them off on their way. He didn't like the idea of not seeing his grandson even for a while. “Papa, we'd be gone only for a few days, it won't be forever, you will see your grandson soon enough!." Frank yelled as the coach started to pull away.

Marcus was watching the entire spectacle from his bedroom window. “This will be the last time you will see your dear papa alive, Frankie boy!” he said, watching the coach disappear through the trees and out of sight.

His plan was in motion, it began with him arranging this business trip for his brother. His wife and son joining him was an added bonus, with the three of them out of the way, things will be much easier. Tomorrow he will talk his father into going out riding with him.

The next morning at breakfast Marcus engaged his father in some pleasant conversation, talking about how the business is going and pretending to give his younger brother credit for his smooth running of things. Thomas was surprised to hear his oldest son actually paying his younger brother a compliment. “Maybe he has truly changed" he told himself.

Marcus interrupted his father's thoughts by asking whether he would like to come out riding with him. “Sure why not? I'll join you, it’ll do both of us a lot of good to get some exercise, and to spend time together, I’ll meet you down at the stables son” he said as he got up to leave. “Yes, one of us will be getting much more than some good exercise”, he muttered under his breath.

An hour later they set off on their way, Thomas on his favourite horse, a brown Mare called “Chestnut” and Marcus riding on his pride and joy “Shadow" a beautiful black stallion.

They started at a slow pace trotting along through the grounds of their vast estate which stretched for miles, with thick growths of woods inhabited by wild animals such as rabbits and foxes, which they hunted from time to time. But, this morning, he was on a slightly different hunting expedition.

Marcus kicked his horse into a gallop, which took his father by surprise. He quickly followed suit, setting Chestnut off sprinting across the fields. Up ahead, he saw Marcus disappear through the trees and out of sight.

By the time he neared the woods his son was nowhere to be seen, he called out, “Marcus!, Marcus! Where are you son?” He received no answer. Thomas dismounted and started down the footpath through the woods.

He was halfway through when he heard a noise behind him, he turned and saw his son, pistol in hand pointed directly at him.

He called out saying, "Son what are you doing?” to which Marcus replied, “what I should have done years ago, when you passed me over for that good for nothing pathetic excuse for a brother! Did you really think that I was going to just stand by and watch him take over what is rightfully mine? I should be the one running the business, I should be Master of this estate, not Frank!” He practically growled, his anger rising as he cocked the pistol and took aim, with his finger on the trigger.

Thomas took a step back, as Marcus stepped forward, in total control. His father pleaded with him to see reason. But Marcus was not prepared to heed his pleas. He pulled the trigger and shot him, twice in the chest without hesitation. When the shots rang out Chestnut bolted neighing loudly. He walked over to where his father lay, bleeding from the chest, to make sure that he’s dead.

The deed was done. He quickly ran to where he left Shadow tethered to a tree, untied him and mounted and galloped in full speed toward the Manor. As he passed the pond he threw his pistol in, getting rid of the murder weapon once and for all.

As he neared the stables he called out to one of the stable boys saying, “quick, the Master has been shot! I need someone to fetch the doctor! He's out there in the woods, please hurry!

The stable boy mounted a horse and sped to fetch the doctor as ordered. But deep down Marcus new that no doctor could help his father now. He made sure of that. One down, three to go, he muttered to himself with a satisfied grin as he galloped toward the woods again.

A week later.........

It has been a week since he buried his father. Frank couldn't believe he is gone, his father was no more. The whole town was in shock and mourning as his father was well loved by the community.

They had just finished lunch at the hotel when he received a cable from Marcus informing him of his father's demise. They had reached home early the next morning. Jamie hadn't stopped crying, he missed his grandpa dearly. His poor darling Sarah was beside herself.

The Police had come to the Manor to question Marcus who told them that it was a poacher who shot his father.

“My father and I decided to race each other, I took off ahead of him and was leading. Sometime after I slowed down and turned back to realise that he was no longer behind me. I turned my horse around and started back, in search of him. As I neared the woods, I heard gun shots, I had a near collision with Chestnut as she galloped past me obviously spooked by the noise, almost knocking me and my horse over.”

Marcus continued, “I quickly dismounted and ran in to the woods to where the shots came from only to find a haggard middle aged man with a pistol in his hand standing over my father who was lying on the ground. The moment he heard me approaching he took off, I pursued him for some distance, but lost him somewhere deep in the woods.

The Sergeant believed that his father may have run into the poacher who panicked because he was out there trespassing and poaching illegally on his father's property and shot him accidentally.

This puzzled Frank, why would the poacher shoot his father twice? Somehow it didn't make sense. He started to have doubts about Marcus’s story, so he asked the Sergeant to have the weapons in the estate checked thoroughly, to which the sergeant agreed and set about doing so.

Marcus expected this. He knew his brother will come to suspect him and not buy the poacher story. That's why he purchased an extra pistol, which now lay at the bottom of the pond. His other pistol was safely in it's case unused. This is the one he produced for inspection, while his bedroom was being subjected to a thorough search. They didn't find anything as he had taken the trouble to dispose of all incriminating evidence well before the search.

Frank was duly informed by the Sergeant that his brother’s weapon was examined and that they had found no evidence whatsoever that it had been fired lately and that it couldn’t be the murder weapon as the bullets found on his father didn't match the caliber of bullets used for the type of pistol Marcus possessed, which cleared Marcus of all suspicions much to his relief.

The police have combed the woods and the surrounding areas looking for the alleged attacker or any evidence relating to the shooting on the day of the incident, but they haven’t been able to find anything or anyone.

“So far so good” he said, as he poured himself a celebratory drink and raised the glass up in triumph.


A few months later............

The intruder entered the Manor through the kitchens. He might as well have been invisible as no one paid him any attention as they were busy scurrying about getting things ready for the dinner later that evening. He knew exactly what to do. The young Master had instructed him on how to proceed. He was to stay hidden in one of the unused rooms until midnight and spring in to action.

He wouldn't dare mess this up, the Master had made it clear what would happen to him if he did. He had to get this right. He quietly ascended the staircase thankful that the family was away and won't be back until late in the afternoon. He only hoped that he wouldn’t run into any of the maids upstairs.

The Master had planned everything, right down to the acquirement of his footmen’s livery that he now wore which made it easier to blend in making him look like one of the staff. He managed to reach the room undetected, took out the key he had been given, unlocked the door and went inside.


Marcus was pleased that things were going smoothly. He had chosen the perfect time to put the next phase of his plan into action and he had chosen the perfect man for the job.

The entire household will be busy with the preparations for the dinner his brother is hosting to celebrate their wedding anniversary this evening. Marcus instructed his man to creep into the Manor via the kitchens as the staff will be busy with their work, while the happy couple along with their son was away at a luncheon given by Miss. Gertrude “busybody" Pearson at her residence to commemorate the blessed event.


Sarah went to bed that night in a state of bliss. The dinner had been a success. She wanted everything to be perfect for her husband. He had been in a melancholy mood ever since his father's death, which is why she wanted things to go as smoothly as possible.

The kitchen staff outdid themselves again. They had prepared a feast fit for a king. All evening Frank had been in good spirits, chatting and joking with all the guests, and she had her best friend to thank for that. She got Gertrude to invite them over for luncheon so that she could make him take his mind off of things by engaging him in mindless chatter and a bit of town gossip, and it worked like a charm.

She missed her father-in-law too, but Frank has been obsessing too much about it lately that it started to worry her. It was Gertrude who came up with the idea of Frank hosting a dinner to celebrate their anniversary. He didn't like it at first, but Gertrude with her exuberant charm and witty self helped him make his mind up.

Frank really enjoyed himself this evening. She hadn't seen him this happy in months, she thought to herself, glancing toward her now snoring husband with a smile on her face.


They were woken up in the middle of the night by a loud banging on the bedroom door. Frank got out of bed and ran to open it, only to find Jamie's nanny in a state of shock crying hysterically.

“ crib!” she managed to utter in between sobs which made Frank freeze in terror while Sarah ran toward the nursery only to realise what the nanny was saying is true. She let out a loud scream falling to the ground crying uncontrollably.

Frank ran to wake up Marcus, he banged on his door loudly, which was answered abruptly by his brother who looked angry for being so rudely woken up. “What the hell is all this commotion about?” he growled. Frank merely replied saying “Jamie is missing."


They searched for Jamie until sunrise. He was nowhere to be found. The Sergeant questioned a very distraught Miss. Quinn, the nanny to find out what exactly happened. She told him that she had woken up in the middle of the night wanting to use the lavatory, she was gone from the nursery only for a few minutes, when she came back Master Jamie was gone.

Then he questioned Mr. Simmons, the head butler, as to whether all the staff is accounted for, the butler replied curtly “Yes, of course," I did the head count myself." Then he turned to Frank, and asked “Mr. Chadwick, do you have any idea who might have done this?” Frank's reply was a terse “No.”

He lied to the police. Frank knew exactly who was behind this. His brother Marcus.

Deep down he knew that Marcus had something to do with his father's death, and he knew without a doubt that he is behind Jamie's disappearance. Even though his brother acted all concerned and helpful right throughout the search, Frank knew that it was an act, it had all been an act right from the start. His brother had kept his promise after all. His promise of vengeance.

The Sergeant left, informing Frank that he would do everything he can to find Master Jamie. Frank thanked him and went to check on Sarah whom he had left in the care of Gertrude, who had come to be with her best friend.

She was sleeping. She had been so tired and distraught over the whole ordeal. Frank had summoned the doctor for her, he had given something to calm her down. It broke his heart to see his wife so sad, so helpless. He knew that there was only one thing to do. He’ll have to confront his brother. He had to get to the bottom of this.

He went in search of Marcus and found him in the study sitting at his father's desk. “So, this is what you came back for isn't it? Your rightful place as the head of the family? You are living up to your promise you made so long ago, aren't you? big brother”

Marcus didn't respond, but remained quiet as Frank practically screamed at him. “Tell me where my son is? What have you done with him?, you bastard, tell me, or so help me God I will report you to the police!”

Marcus rose, and came forward from behind the desk and stood just inches away from his brother, grunting and breathing heavily, Frank stood his ground unmoved.

He looked down at his brother and said, “What makes you think I am responsible for your son's disappearance? Do you have any proof?

Frank replied, “I don't have to have proof, because I know it's you, you are behind this, it was you who killed papa, not some poacher! I know it.”

Marcus let out a menacing laugh and said “little brother you are in way over your little head if you think you can throw such accusations at me and report me to the police without evidence, without proof, go ahead report me, because I guarantee you'll end up a laughing stock if you do."

He continued laughing as he walked out leaving a dumbstruck Frank still standing, in the middle of the study.


Marcus needed to act fast, his brother was on to him. He knew exactly what he needed to do next. He had the note, which he got his man to write for him. All he had to do now is have it delivered. He had snatched the child right from under his brother's nose. He was keeping him in an abandoned farmhouse in the neibouring village, awaiting further instructions from him.


Sarah was finally awake. Frank had been by her side ever since he came from the study after his confrontation with Marcus.

He told Sarah that he was going to see the Sergeant to find out if there are any leads in the investigation. Sarah only nodded, still feeling a little groggy from the medication. Frank ordered for some supper to be brought up for his wife and headed toward the stables.

He hated lying to her. He wasn't going to see the Sergeant. He put his hand in his pocket and took out the note which he had received earlier that day. It was a note from a stranger claiming to know the whereabouts of Jamie. He had asked to meet Frank face to face at the cliff. He got the stable boy to saddle his horse and he was on his way.

By the time Frank reached the cliff, it was enveloped by a thick fog. He could hardly see what was in front of him. He tied his horse to a nearby tree and slowly made his way to the edge of the cliff. Frank put his hands in his coat pockets to keep them warm as he stood in the cold waiting for the man to show up.

Minutes ticked by as he gazed toward nothing. Suddenly he heard footsteps behind him, as he turned he saw a figure through the fog walking hurriedly toward him, as he approached him he punched Frank in the face knocking him down unconscious.

After what seemed like a long time, Frank came to, only to find that he was being held by two burly men on either side, he tasted blood on his lips, from the cut inflicted by the brutal punch earlier.

He raised his head slowly and saw Marcus standing in front of him, with a satisfied look on his face, who said “Hello little brother, did you have a good nap?” Frank’s head was throbbing with pain, as he replied, “Marcus why are you doing this? Why do you hate me so much? If you wanted control over the business and the estate all you had to do was ask, I could've given it to you, defying papa's wishes.

Marcus threw his head back and laughed. “Oh, that is so touching, I am almost in tears” he sneered. “I am not your charity case dear brother, you don't have to give me anything which already belongs to me, it’s mine, mine! I am the heir to my father's fortune!“

"You want to know why I hate you? I hate you because you killed my mother, it was your fault, you killed her, she died giving birth to you, you took her away from me, the only person I ever loved, you took her away! I hate you with every fibre of my being, I cursed the day you were born when she died!"

Frank listened to his brother's declaration with eyes full of tears, he said “So you decided to take the people I love, away from me? Papa and Jamie? He looked at Marcus horror stricken and continued, “Is Jamie dead? Have you killed him?

Marcus replied laughing, not yet! But they will soon join you, good bye, dear brother, we shall not be meeting again, at least not in this life anyway!

Marcus tipped his hat theatrically with a slight bow, turned and started walking, as he did so, he heard his brother's pleadings for mercy echoing through the air, as his accomplices hurled him over the cliff and sent him to his death.


Sarah was seated in a chair near the window looking out into the gardens enveloped by the fog. He will be back, he will be coming for her next, and she will be waiting.

Her mind drifted to the confrontation which occurred earlier today between her husband and Marcus. She had awoken suddenly and had gone in search of Frank, as she reached the study, she heard raised voices from within. The door to the study was ajar so she was able to hear what was being said clearly. Yes, she had heard every word that had passed between them.

She realised now, that she will neither see her son nor her husband alive again. Something in her husband's manner and tone told her that he was not going to see the Sergeant. She knew who is behind all this now, just like her husband had known all this time. She had already written a letter to Gertrude explaining everything, after she decided what she's going to do.


He had won! He finally had his revenge. Marcus was in a triumphant mood as he rode toward the Manor. He had one final lose end to tie up.

He reached the stables, dismounted Shadow and almost ran inside. He felt a sense of overwhelming relief wash over him as he made his way into the study and poured himself a drink to celebrate.

“I will take care of her once I am done with this,” he said to himself looking at the glass. He was almost finished with his drink, when he heard a rustling sound behind him. He turned to find Sarah standing there staring at him, eyes full of tears, with her hands clasped behind her back.

“Oh! you little Wench, you are making things easier for me, I was just about to come looking for you, and here you are!” Tell me, are you ready to join your dear husband and your precious child?”

Sarah could see Marcus's demeanour changing right before her very eyes as he now stood glaring at her, his eyes filled with, not hate, but contempt and disgust.

He rushed toward her growling, his arms outstretched as though he was going to strangle her. She unclasped her hands bringing them forward in a flash as she pointed the gun straight at him and fired, emptying the bullets into him as she watched him hit the floor with a loud thud.


The fog had almost disappeared when Sarah made her way over to the edge of the cliff, gun in hand. She threw it out into the sea crying uncontrollably.

She called out “I am coming my darlings, I will see you soon!” She felt herself falling, she could hear the wind howling all around her as she did, and then suddenly she felt herself floating, like a cloud.


The storm still raged on outside as Sarah was running, running from the shadow that was after her. She still could hear the sounds of her son's cries calling out to her, echoing through the hallway. She needed to get to him, to hold him in her arms, to comfort him.

The dark shadow which loomed over her with blazing green eyes, growling like a beast, followed her everywhere. “I will never be rid of him, he will torment me for eternity, I am trapped in this dark place forever, there is no escape for me!”


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15 Jul, 2020
Read Time
30 mins
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