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The Map of Her Body
The Map of Her Body

The Map of Her Body

Mitzi1776Mitzi Danielson-Kaslik
1 Review

She lies there in the quiet darkness.


The shadows formed by the warm

Lamplight echo across her form

And he watches and stares and remembers.


She has greenish rivers curving across her flesh

Which ripple with her curves, swirling in

And out of view. She has tiny brownish

Circles, whispers of the summer sun they

Share which mark out little patterns like

The one on his left thigh. Yes, he remembered

That pattern, he remembered the first time

He saw it, it had been a day in May when he

Had met her and they had gone swimming

And he had noticed that pattern while he

Had been splashing her and caused a tidal

Wave, immursing her in the water so that she

Had to get to the pool side where she sat for a

Few moments to regain her breath. To get out

She had had to climb the ladder and that – in

A moment, anxious that she would slip on the

Wet metal – had watched her so closely, ready

To catch her if she should fall. She didn’t.


She had a reddish raspberry shaped patch on

Her back. He remembered that too. The first

Time they had gone to a theme park (it was in

Heights of the London summer of ’18) and her

Shoulders had been burnt which she hadn’t even

Noticed until they had been on the train back

To his because they had been having so much

Fun. He had removed her shirt the moment they

Got home and traced his hand over the pinkish

Burns when he saw the raspberry. She felt him

Whisper his hand over it and told him not to

Look (she didn’t like that mark, she said) but

He encircled it with his ring finger and told

Her it was an angel’s kiss; a mark that she was

Special and that her life had been touched by

Something. She didn’t believe him.


She didn’t believe him when he told her he

Would love her forever, either. That had

Hurt him the most. That day, after they

Swam in the pool, he walked with her under

The blossom trees and blew that white

Dandelion into the wind where it had got

Caught in her hair. Yes, it’s moonish seeds

Had gotten caught up in her chestnut waves

And he had apologised and come towards her

And picked the seeds out. His heart had been

Beating fast then. He know she was the one

For him, even though they were scarely more

Than children. Then he knew his heart would be

Married to her.


And then the flickering light turned his

Attention to the diamond and sapphire ring

Which encircled her pale finger one from

The end on her left hand. He remembered

Choosing it. He loved that ring. It reminded

Him of how she was his Princess. And

He hoped that each time she looked

At it, each time she felt it under touch

She would be reminded that he loved her.


Because he did. And he always would.

Just as she loved him and always would.

Author Notes: This is refusing to do the stanza breaks properly. On my screen, they look as they are supposed to, but I have added a link at each break so you can see how its suppose to be.

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About The Author
Mitzi Danielson-Kaslik
About This Story
12 May, 2021
Read Time
2 mins
5.0 (1 review)

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