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The Morning Conference...

The Morning Conference...

By PeterHunter

The Morning Conference…

by Peter Hunter

Wright, as usual was the last to arrive…
… wet and weary - unhurried and seemingly bored. His retrained greeting to Symes and Purdey was typical of his laid-back, casual attitude. The others were already in the dry snugness of the tractor shed and both greeted Wright with their customary nose to nose kisses.
'Let's get it over with.' Wright was obviously hungry - wanting his share of the breakfast tin-full - then a long day's sleep before the wood-burner - even through it was out of use in deference to a summer season that was more in name than in nature…
… but often when bored with a long sleep he would intersperse it with visits to the neighbours - Molly, a large tortoiseshell and her ginger companion Pooky.
'I'm hungry too…' proclaimed Purdey, '…but first I need to catch my usual long-tailed mouse. It's expected of me - and besides I'm always rewarded with a piece of strong Cheddar.'
'You lucky little girl…' observed Symes. Each time I take them a dead bird they scold me and refuse a reward.'
'That's because you are stupid - a stupid boy… they like birds but regard mice and voles as pests.' Suggested Purdey. 'I worked that one out a long time ago and now only present them with rodents. When I kill a bird I eat it before Mum or Dad have a chance to see what I have done.'
'You always were their favourite…' Symes risked provoking her, 'Birds often make you sick after you've eaten them and I'm sure our humans now realise that…'
'Any other business?' asked Wright…
'… no? Then breakfast it is…'


© Peter Hunter 2012

Peter Hunter's full-length thrillers are available on Kindle

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About This Story
16 Jul, 2012
Read Time
1 min
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