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The Need for Recognition
The Need for Recognition

The Need for Recognition


"Hey, you!" Finally, finally someone recognized me. Standing in front of that big popular store waiting for recognition is tiresome.

Being locked in the house with the pandemic outside made Joe feel lost without hope. His CEO had never heard of a more outlandish idea than working from home until the pandemic. And standing here for an hour before anyone even noticed him was intolerable. It crushed his ego. It challenged his insanity. He began to think he had become invisible and no one could see him for the mask. Joe smiled, but who can see a smile with a mask on, he thought. He waved, but the dude looked at him like a nut case. The voice walked past Joe to connect with a young woman pushing a buggy. Joe had seen many people pushing buggies while standing there, so he decided to push one and follow them.

Joe had observed during the throes of the pandemic that every day life had stopped as he knew it. He had no family, but the office people and they no longer met each day. His work was scanned and emailed once a week, but does not a man harbor hopes of recognition? He knew his mother had approved of him, but she died five years ago. Joe wanted to feel valuable, esteemable and yes, special. Joe did not want to be average or adequate. Why not, "Hail to the King"? To feel favorable addresses a deep desire within us.

Pushing his buggy through the store was not working. People did not look at each other, but only what they were attempting to put in their buggy to purchase. On an impulse, Joe crashed his buggy into a woman close by. "What is wrong with you? she growled at him, then turned back to looking through the rack of clothes. Her anger only heightened his disappointment and negative recognition was not what he was seeking. He purchased nothing, left his buggy and started walking home.

At the corner an elderly lady was attempting to cross the street. She reminded him of his mother. He politely asked, "Please, walk across with me so no harm will come to you." She caught his arm and they safely crossed the street.

"Thank you," came this soft, sweet voice.

Joe replied, "Oh, thank you. I have not been recognized in months until you spoke to me today."

The old lady removed her mask and looked straight at Joe, "You have got to see yourself, as God sees you. When you do, people cannot disappoint you and people cannot offend you."

The End.

Author Notes: God says we are fearfully and wonderfully made and we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. When we know what God thinks of us; it doesn't matter what man thinks.

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About This Story
20 Apr, 2021
Read Time
2 mins
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