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The O Zone
The O Zone

The O Zone

TheDeckerEdgeMatt Decker

Lend me yOur attentiOn and prestO!
I take yOu tO anOther dimensiOn...maestrO!
Strike up the band, give us a crescendO
And make it fittingly eerie and weirdO.

O! BefOre we gO
One thing tO knOw:

In this alternate wOrld
The Only reality allOwed
Must have an ending
With that circular vOwel...


Greetings have new meaning --
"O, O, O!"

Answers are backwards --

cOnverse in reverse --
lOcO lingO

Gaze at the bluish blaze --
indigO infernO

Bad weather takes fOrever --
slO-mO tOrnadO

PrOpOrtiOns are distOrted --
jumbO ratiO

Trees grOw in threes --
envirO triO

tOxins aren't OptiOns --
nO tObaccO Or tacO

Exercise is Only visualized --
bizarrO cardiO

hOspitals made Of crystals --
ecO placebO

bOOgie steppin' is a weapOn --
discO judO

ChOirs have pOwers --
altO superherO

Traffic is static --
zerO tempO

Office blOcks interlOck --
legO metrO

A minOtaur is a restaurateur --
beastO bistrO

A liOn is a business titan --
leO the ceO

E.T.s are DJs --
ufO radiO


If yOu feel yOurself missing
The wOrld yOu've always knOwn
nO need fOr stressing --
yOu are nOw exiting
The O zOne.

©️ Matt Decker

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About The Author
Matt Decker
About This Story
5 Apr, 2018
Read Time
<1 min
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