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The Old Brittle Man

The Old Brittle Man

By yosup454

I remember the old brittle man
That lived at the corner of my street.
I passed by him on the way to school
My head bowed and shuffling feet.
I always cheered up when I saw him
His wrinkled face and hair of gray.
He often had an awkward smile and
Never had much to say.
He sat on his old wooden rocking chair
Rikkuy porch nearly in ruin
But with that smile and a wink of his eye hed
Whistle me a tune
And there he sat whistling away
All the tunes he used to play
And away hed go whistling and singing all day
And what he sang
Was great to here
And all the kids would laugh and cheer
The way he played was vary good
If you were there you would have understood
And there we sat my friends and me listing to the
Old brittle man that lived at the corner of my street
And now the years have come and gone I
No longer here the old mans songs
But the tubes he whistled remain very clear
And they are memories that I hold dear

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About This Story
10 Mar, 2010
Read Time
<1 min
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