The Only Reliable Oracle

By Aquarius

The Only Reliable Oracle

The deeper we move into the Aquarian Age people, the more people throughout our world are receiving their guidance from the higher and highest planes of life in the form of spiritual writings of many different kinds. No longer is it a privileged few here and there, in one church or another in different parts of our planet, who are receiving the blessing of a fresh inflow of the Great Mother’s sacred wisdom and truth.

As part of the natural renewal process of the spiritual evolution of our world, the holy breath of the Christ Spirit is descending ever more powerfully into all aspects of earthly life. Training ourselves to become still in mind and body is the best way of opening our consciousness and developing the ability of getting in touch with Its realms, which until recently had to remain inaccessible to the majority of us earthlings. Only in a state of meditation and in the stillness and silence of the inner levels of life can and does the Highest reveal Itself and Its truth to us.

If we earnestly and sincerely desire to find the truth about the inner mysteries of life, it is necessary to reflect deeply on the simple happenings of their daily lives in the world around us. When we are searching for God’s wisdom and truth it is best to start by looking into our own hearts. It is in the communications with all our fellow creatures and by observing nature that it is most likely that we shall find what we are seeking. This may happen in many simple ways. For example, whilst walking along a road we could suddenly stand in front of a door and sense that something is drawing us to find what we have been looking for here.

One fine day a book that never interested us before could be drawn to our attention. A friend may recommend it or we see it displayed in a shop window. Maybe we hear about it in some other way, but somehow we feel that this publication has to tell us something of importance. When we read the book, we realise that it was our inner guidance that helped us find it. On other occasions we might go within to ask our Highest Self a question. To our disappointment answer doesn’t come straight away, but later in a moment when we least expect it, it comes through a comment someone makes on the radio, on TV or in the movies. It makes us feel as if an inner light had been switched on and we sense, feel and know beyond any doubt: ‘This is what I wanted to know!’ Happenings of this nature are signs of the support of the invisible ones who at all times are beavering away behind all earthly life.

The Angels and Masters, friends and helpers in the world of light work in mysterious ways. Wise ones pay attention when they perceive one of their signals that something of value is waiting to be found by them. That is all any one of us has to do whenever we are searching for answers and explanations. It is essential that we do so in the right way and the right place, staying alert at all times and ever on the lookout what the things of the physical world can tell us about God and the spirit world in the background of our earthly existence. Open and attentive to sensing the presence of the Angels who never leave us, we do well to pay attention to the voice of our inner Master. It can be perceived even when we are part of a crowd, but removed from the disturbances of the material world, it is much easier to listen to the small still voice of the wise one, the living God or guru within.

In my view, paying attention to this authority is the only safe way of discerning truth from untruth and what is right or wrong for us in any given moment. This aspect of our nature is the only truly reliable oracle in the whole of Creation. It has always been there for us, but it takes a long time until our earthly self finally awakens to the fact that it possesses an extremely active and valuable inner life. Subconsciously it has always been trying to guide and protect us, as much as the conscious part of our being paid attention to its voice. Without knowing of its existence that is difficult, but things are looking up as soon as we awaken into our spirit nature and we begin to consciously tap into our inner guidance. Then at last it can protect and advise us properly through the inevitable ups and downs of life.

Our inner life can be accessed and entered, though not without permission. And when we finally learn to knock at its door, we find to our amazement that sound advice and great wisdom is freely available whenever it is required. That’s why St. Matthew 7:7-8 tells us: ‘Ask and it shall be given to you. Seek and you shall find. Knock and it shall be opened to you. For whoever asks, receives and he who seeks, finds and to them who knock, the door is opened.’ There comes a time in everyone’s life when we find it no longer hard to accept that everything that exists on the physical plane of life is there to help us grow in wisdom and understanding of ourselves and the purpose and meaning of our existence, which is evolution.

Wise ones who know that the inner teacher is the only one who really knows everything and has the answers to all the questions any one of us in earthly life may ever care to ask, no longer look for the answers to their questions in the prophecies of the soothsayers of our world. They prefer to follow the advice of Martin Luther King, a wise Sun Capricorn, who said: ‘The time is always right to do what is right.’ And to do what is right that’s what our inner guidance reliably tells us in any given moment. We ignore its advice to our detriment. If it says: ‘This feels right and that feels wrong,’ we do well to act accordingly.

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