The Plan

By Joshua_12

She was sitting alone.

She had no friends.

She had no family.

All she had was a plan.

A plan to end it all.

As soon as she could escape.

She would put her plan to use.

Finally all the doctor’s were done talking.

She was finally getting out.

She could finally be done waiting.

It had been so easy.

The doctor had asked,

Any suicidal thoughts?

She had lied so easily.


If only he knew her plan.

She’s walking out the door,

Going to yet another foster home.

On the drive there,

She bounces her leg up and down.

She just wants to get this over with.

She was tired of suffering.

Life was full of nothing,

Except pain.

Finally they arrived.

She walked inside.

She went to the cupboard.

She pulled out the gun.

The adults are talking in the other room,

The foster parents sound stressed.

Oh well they won’t have to deal with me for long.

Then she ended it,

With a bang,

The trigger was pulled,

And the pain was finally over.

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