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The Poking Buddy on Facebook

The Poking Buddy on Facebook

By magnaboy01

There was a story of a facebook addicted guy, well....lets not be all like a fairy tale cuz its not like that....His name was, well lets just call him L really likes poking people alot.....but there was this girl that he really likes and they have been poking each other since last year, but they dont really know each other, they just poke alot....hahahaha....well lets call the girl.....uhm.....An, An is a very beautiful, smart, and kind girl...but she doesnt want any boyfriend or anything that has to do with love.....the longest time that each other couldnt poke was only 1 day...and it never past that 1 day......

One day....An couldnt poke for over 24 hours....which was 1 day...L was really worried that something might could have happen to her, well heres the twist.....L is inlove with An, and An just think of L as her poking buddy thats it...L never really talked to An, when An didnt poke L for a day.....L message her on says....."Hi, we have been poking each other for 1 year and 4 months, and this is the first time you didnt poke me for over 24 hours or 1 day....i hope your okay, and well yeahh..."

L didnt get any message response at all, 5 days later.....An respond to L's message........and here she said...."Im sorry, Ive been kinda busy with all of my projects and stuff, and yes im fine thank you...."
L was very happy to hear that, and he later respond to it saying..."Well, yeah, so how are you? to tell you the truth, i have been do i say this.....I have been inlove with you for ever since i saw you".....
An replied to it and said..."Uhm, okay....well thats good i guess, sorry to tell you but, im not really interested on any boy or anything that has something to do with love"......L, was very disappointed, well i guess he just gave up on me......

L and An stopped poking for 3 weeks, until valentines day came.....L messaged An, saying " Hey, i just wanna drop by and say hi and how have you been doing, so yeah, what are you going to do this valentines day?"
An replied to it, she said " Well sup, and im fine i guess, and i guess nothing? I never really see whats so important of this valentines day".....L replied..."Well, valentines day is where you appreciate love and to understand the meaning of it by being with the person you love the most, and speaking of Valentine......will you be my valentine?"
An replied...."Well, sorry i dont really do those things,".....2 hours later, L poked An...........and L asked An, for her address because L is going to send her something....and An told him where she live because she trusts him.....L was planning to make An appreciate love and give him a chance, he plan to buy her flowers and chocolates for Valentines day....

While on the way to the flower shop......L received a message from An saying......."Hey , sorry to bother you but, Im moving..".....L was shocked and devastated and asked "When are you moving?", she replied..."Im moving to somewhere far, and i dont know if your gonna be able to contact me or anything..." L said.." Well can u atleast stay until Valentines day?,...An said..."Yeah i guess, im moving on the 15th...." L was very happy to know again he bought the chocolates and the flowers.....

On Valentines day.......An received what L bought for her the flowers and the chocolates....and she also received a letter from L.....saying...

Dear An,

We might have been just friends, and you know that im inlove with you, and i know that you dont know and need love, but here i am, pouring my heart out for you.....and I love you...with all of my heart, i hope you will know and understand my love for you,.....


An still didnt care about it, she just messaged L, saying....thank you i guess for these things that are so called "Love", well yeah i got to go now bye......the next morning......L was watching the news......and he saw was at the Health Channel (IDK LOL), but yeah....the doctors were around her....and she was on a wheel chair.....and then the reported asked her..."An, what would be your last wish before you die"......L was so shock....he broke down in tears......An replied...."I dont wish for anything....I dont wish for nothing, but to poke my friend and my first love.....L"....when L heard that....he smiled.....he looked at the altar in his house....said..."Thank you god"...An died....couple hours later.....L went to An's the priest was saying the word of god.....he then read.....An's says...

Dear L,

By now your probably wondering why i didnt tell you that i was sick, and that wondering why i never told you that I love you......its because i dont know how to express my feelings towards you, you have been there for me...making me appreciate Love....Thank you for telling me and helping me understand the meaning of Love....Your a great guy and im sure that there will be other girls out there that will be with you, Well i kinda wish i could live so that i could fullfill your be married to me....But hey here i am, about to be underground...i wish i could hug you once, but i guess i cant.....Im inlove with you too.....I wish i couldve given you a chance from the start.....goodbye...

L, didnt cry....he hold his tears in....he smiled....and looked at the sky...and said..."An i know your in a better place now, just wait for me.....well be together someday....

after the funeral.....L, was at the ground where they burried An....L....left his lap top....logged in on facebook...and poked An....he smiled with tears.....said " I love you...An"...

As he walked away....He felt An's touch....he turned around....looked one more time...and heard a whisper...."Thank You, For loving me".....

The end....

Well....sorry to tell you guys this isnt really a sad story...its a story that describes the importance of friendship and love combine....even such little things could affect live your life...loving one another...respecting...and caring...

Oh LOL....i forgot to tell you what's An's illness....she have a brain cancer....b4 she started poking L....she already have it...just didnt tell L....

and Have a marvelous, lovable, and very romantic Valentines day to you guys...God Bless....

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6 Feb, 2011
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