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The Silent Song

The Silent Song

By Allanah - 2 Reviews

The little girl you held for years,
Now sings the song of silent tears.
The boy down the street with smile bright,
Let his fears consume him at night.
And the person who has loved the most,
Is silently weeping against the post.

The silent night we loved so dear, 
Now holds the sounds made by fear.
Oh please! Oh please! Just set them free,
Behind closed doors do you not see?
The pain in which their eyes do hold, 
Now leave them dead, lifeless, and cold.

The little girl you held for years,
Has stopped singing her song of tears.
The boy down the street with smile bright,
Will bother you no more tonight.
And the person who has loved the most,
Is nothing more than a mere ghost.

We have let the children cry for years,
With no one to catch their falling tears.
We were the cause of their dreams being slain,
We were the ones who caused them pain.
Now that they are dead and gone,
We must sing their silent song.

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2 Feb, 2016
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5.0 (2 reviews)

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