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The Teenage Girl

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The Teenage Girl

By Alyssa

A young teenage girl, Erin, moves to Magnolia Springs, Alabama and it is her first time moving anywhere in her life and she is not very happy that she had to move to Alabama, just because it isn’t like Tennessee and she is so mad and sad that she put all of her anger and all of her emotions into destroying and robbing things. So she gets into a lot of trouble with the cops and so her mother sends her to gymnastics so she can put all of her anger and other emotions into gymnastics and all. Everyday when she gets back home from her gymnastics class she gets beat by her step dad but her mother is at work so her mother doesn’t know about it.

Five minutes before her mother gets home Erin goes to her room and prays and asks God, “Why does this have to happen to me? I can’t help that I get beat everyday and then everybody makes fun of me everyday because they think I got beat up and I have bruises all over me. My mother doesn’t even know about it because I just tell her that I ran into something or other stuff like that. Why can’t you just give her a sign that he beats me?! I’m tired of this! I understand that I’m not the only girl that gets beat but I’m just flat out tired of it. Didn’t you see what he did to me yesterday, he threw a 5 gallon bucket at me and my brother and sister just laughed? The only reason why him and my mom don’t do anything about it is because they are his kids.”

Erin goes to the kitchen to get her a snack and her mom asks with exaggeration, “What happened to you today?”

Erin answer’s her, “Umm… I… fell at gymnastics, yeah, I fell at gymnastics.”

“Are you sure that’s what happened, because it looks more like a harder hit than just falling on the floor? Did you fight somebody over something else that you stole today?” Erin’s mom asks with suspicion.

“No! Gosh, quit asking me questions!” Erin says with anger.

“Look here young lady, you are not going to talk to me like that. Do you understand?!” Erin’s mother says with an attitude.

“I’m so sorry, moma. I didn’t mean to holler at you.” Erin says with a gloomy face and a sad attitude.

“It’s okay darling, by the way I got you something. It’s makeup to cover all of those bruises, if you want it, because if you don’t then it’s okay.” her mother says with forgiveness.

“Thank you moma but I’m not sure if I will wear makeup, I probably wouldn’t wear it because I don't want my face to get pimples and all that type of stuff.” Erin says.

“Your welcome darling.” Her mother says.

Erin gets a snack from the kitchen and goes back to her room and eats while ripping up her homework and throwing it in the trash. After she goes and gets out of the shower and looks at herself in the mirror and she sees all of her bruises and she just bursts out crying and yelling at herself while everybody else was outside tossing around the football. Then she goes to her room and puts her clothes on and she starts sharpening her pencil with her hand held pencil sharpener and just gets so mad and so she tears it apart and takes the blade part out and just starts rubbing it across her skin and it starts bleeding so she going and get some napkins and puts it on her cuts. After all that she gets on her phone and starts talking to her boyfriend and he makes things a little better with his love. She starts thinking that they have a really good relationship and that they will stay together for a while.

When she stops talking to him for a little bit she starts talking to her friend, Rachel, and her friend tells her that her boyfriend, Luke, is cheating on her with a girl named Kaylee, and Kaylee is in tenth grade and Luke is only in eighth grade, so Erin gets sooo mad that she punches the walls until her knuckles start bleeding and she grabs the pencil sharpener blade again and starts cutting herself again but this time it’s on her wrist and her upper thighs and then she puts it against her neck about to slit her throat but her mom comes to the hallway and says, “Erin, turn off your light and go to bed, RIGHT NOW!” with anger.

As soon as her mom says something, Erin drops the blade and gets in her bed and covers up with her blanket so her mom doesn’t see the cuts on her legs. After her mom tells her that she turns out her light and Erin can’t even answer her back because she is crying so much. She does what her mother says but she doesn’t go to sleep, she stays up all night and just thinks about everything and everybody that has done things like that to her pretty much every time she gets into a relationship.

The next day, she gets on the bus and her best friend/cousin, Abigail, is there and so she tells abigail everything that happened yesterday and Abigail gets mad and so she says, “I am going to beat his ass.”

Erin says, “Fine by me. He doesn’t care about me so why should I waste my time caring about him.”

Abigail says, “Good, you are already moving on with your life.”

Erin goes, “Yep, see how much I’ve learned from every relationship I’ve had.”

Abigail goes, “I’m sorry that some boys are assholes.”

“It’s not your fault that all of this is happening, it’s just that some boys ain’t got enough sense to know what is good enough for them and especially when they have it right in front of them.” Erin says with an attitude.

After they got finished talking it was already time for them to get off the school bus. When Erin went down to the cafeteria to hang out with her friends and to tell them everything that happened and so she told her bestest friend ever, Taylor, and Taylor got mad at Erin for cutting herself and mad at Luke for being a stupid guy and she just wanted to hurt Luke sooooooo bad. Erin just wanted to cry so so so so bad when she saw Luke, but she held it in while she was talking to Rachel about everything and Rachel told Erin that she needed to stop and if she didn’t then Rachel would tell her cousin, Gabe, and if he found out then her parents would find out and if they found out she would be in so much trouble and she might even be put in a hospital for crazy people just to get her to stop. Erin just has this thing about her that she cares for people but she can’t let them see that she cares about anything. I know Erin very well and she tries to let them see that she cares about them but just can’t show it.

So, in sixth period Erin sat behind Luke and asked him, “Luke, can we talk about something?”

“Yeah, what is it?” Luke said.

“Ok, so, Rachel told me that you are cheating on me with that Kaylee girl in tenth grade and I heard that you tried to get Layla’s number at lunch! REALLY, REALLY, Luke, wow, you really want to cheat on somebody don’t you.”

“Me and Kaylee are just friends and me and Layla, you honestly think that I would try to get LAYLA’S number. REALLY, WOW, I can’t believe that you would think that I would cheat on you especially with either of them.” Luke says.

“Well, I wasn’t sure considering the fact that you were flirting with Mia right in front of me!” Erin said loudly about to cry.

“I wasn’t flirting with her, I was just messing with her.” Luke says trying to give Erin a hug.

“No, you wasn’t, just, messing with her. You flirting with her even though you have a girlfriend right next to you and knowing that she has a boyfriend, but oh no that doesn’t matter to you.” Erin says with an attitude.

“If I was going to flirt with someone I would have either done it with you or done when I wasn’t around you, gosh, I ain’t that stupid.” Luke says with compassion.

“Whatever, Luke, because to me it looks like you were flirting with her just to make me mad and break up with you. If you want to break up then just tell me and we can break up because I know why you want me to break up with you, when we break up or whatever you can go tell girls that I broke up with you and get them to feel bad for you.” Erin says, tired of fighting with him and ready to give up.

“If I wanted to break up then I would have already talked to you about it, but I haven’t so that means that I don’t want our relationship to end. You really need to calm down though, okay, so just calm down, I LOVE YOU.” Luke says.

“Good, because I didn’t want this relationship to end either and I am calming down. By the way I love you too.” Erin says, calmed down.

Once they get finished their argument they leave and go to their next classes and waiting outside the door is, Blake and Ryder, Erin’s bestest friends and Blake gets mad because Erin and Luke walk out of the classroom holding hands, because Blake has tried to ask Erin out but she keeps rejecting him. The next day, Erin meets up with Rachel, Taylor, and Lauren at the cafeteria for breakfast even though Erin doesn’t eat. By the way Lauren is Rachel’s best friend and Erin’s eh friend. Taylor has her best friend, Tiffany, sitting with her and since she has her Erin leaves breakfast with Rachel and Lauren and like normal they have their weird conversations and then go on with their business. In first period of course, Blake has to talk to Erin about what was going on yesterday because he was so jealous and all.

The Advice

A couple days later, Erin has to tell someone about what’s going on at home, so she decides to tell her sorta friend, Vanessa. So she goes over to Vanessa and just tells her everything about everything and it’s like it just pours out of her mouth for like an hour. As soon as she got finished talking, Vanessa says to just calm down and to tell another adult but Erin and her step-dad have already went through this situation and if it happens again then he can go to jail and Erin didn’t want that to happen because he has been like a real dad to her all of her life because her dad is a sorry piece of shit as she says. Her dad, Michael, has never been a good dad to Erin and Erin hasn’t talked to him in over a year and probably won’t for even a longer time because if she does then she is going to say some things that she will regret later on in her life.

Erin says nervously, “I can’t tell any adults because if I do than he can go to prison then everyone will hate me, I will hate myself, and we have done went through this situation and I had to live with my grandma which I loved it but I need to live with my mom.”

“Well then all I know to do is just sit down with him and talk about it or tell your mom.” Vanessa says.

“I can’t tell my mom because then they will get a divorce and I don’t want to ruin my brother and sister’s lives and them hate me forever and I am most definitely never going to talk to him about it because he’ll start some stupid ass shit.” Erin says.

“Well, I’m out of advice to give you except to just not care and take the pain and be a pussy about everything.” Vanessa says.

“Fine then, I’ll just take the pain but if he does it over ten more times then I am telling my mom.” Erin says.

“Oh and with the whole Luke thing, just break up with him because if you don’t then you keep on getting played and then he’ll know that you won’t ever break up with him and he can do whatever the hell he wants and get away with it.” Vanessa says to Erin.

“I’ll talk to him some more about this whole thing. Oh, I also quit gymnastics and did you see the new kid?” Erin asks with a grin on her face.

“What new kid?” Vanessa asks confused.

“The new BOY!” Erin hollers.

“I guess I haven’t seen him yet.” Vanessa says.

“Well, you need to because he is fine as hell.” Erin says with a humongous smile on her face.

“Okay just chill out, I’ll see him when I see him.” Vanessa says not excited at all.

“People say his name is Danny. I saw him the other day in the office and he is really fine not even kidding.” Erin says excited.

“Cool, I guess. That’ll be good for you because he might be able to help you move on from Luke.” Vanessa says.

“You are right, thanks for the advice, I saw him in the office a minute ago, I’m gonna go in there and kind of flirt a bit.” Erin says truthfully.

“You’re welcome. Any time you need anything, come to me and I’ll be here for you.” Vanessa says.

“Thanks.” Erin says.

After they get finished with their conversation Erin goes into the office and starts talking to her aunt, which works in the office, and just so happens Danny and Erin end up having the same classes together. So Erin has to show Danny around and all that good stuff, so that means that they are going to be spending a lot of time together and that means that they will get close and that means that they will probably end up going out and being a couple. You’re all probably still wondering what’s going on with Erin and Luke, ain’t you? Well, they kind of broke up because Erin walked up to Luke and just told him straight up what was happening with their relationship and they broke up, so yeah, that pretty much sums it up. Now Erin and Danny have a chance at a relationship.

“So, Danny, what was your old school like?” Erin asks nicely (a little too nice).

“Well me and my girlfriend broke up and then I got jumped by her brother and his friends and since I still won anyways I got suspended and so I just moved here because I was tired of my school. How long have you been here at this school?” Danny says.

“Since I was able to go to school. Wait, so, what I’m hearing is that you ain’t got no girlfriend?” Erin asks.

“Nope, I’m single.” Danny says

“Same I ain’t got a boyfriend because the last guy I dated he cheated on me with like five other girls.” Erin says.

“That’s messed up, I don’t see why people cheat, it’s stupid if you ain’t happy with the girl you got then just break up with her and then go out with someone else instead of cheating on a girl that you don’t even care about.” Danny says.

“Thank you so much, a guy actually understands how I feel. Normally they would just be like I don’t even care and stuff like that. Guys are jerks, but you ain’t like guys like that you’re different, you actually care about how people feel.” Erin says happily.

“Thanks, I get told all the time that you’re the same as the last guy I talked to.” Danny says.

“Well, you ain’t to me, you’re different.” Erin says.

For the rest of the class period they just stare at each other and smile. After class they go to lunch and since there is an extra seat at Erin’s lunch table Danny sits with Erin and her friends, Blake, Ryder, and Rachel., and they all get to know each other and they become sort of friends. The only person who ain’t real friends with Danny would be Blake and that’s only because Blake is jealous of Danny because Erin and Danny have every class together, sit by each other in every class, and flirt right in front of him so he gets so jealous because Blake really likes Erin.

Author Notes: I'm not finished but whatever and plz don't hate me and by the way it isn't that short so yeah. Thx for reading!!!


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About This Story
5 May, 2017
Read Time
14 mins
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