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The Things He Used to Do

The Things He Used to Do

By Unknown101 - 1 Review

it's friday night and i can't sleep, i covered my self with my wool blanket but later on someone grabbed it and i felt shivers down to my spine... Because i'm to afraid to look at it so i just pretended that i was still asleep. Then, someone touched my foot, fuck! That's my tickle spot but when it's night and no one's awake this is ain't gonna make me laugh nor smile..

The next day...

I'm simply stirred my coffee in my mug when suddenly someone closed the door forcefully that it echoed in my whole house, what was going on?

Another day...

I'm taking a bath in the bathroom when someone knocked at the door several times. I opened the door and saw no one, oh no! These days were really creepy.

Another next day...

Someone sent me a black rose with a black envelope, i creeped out and cried! Someone sent me an invitation card in a wedding which is mine and gian's wedding that didn't happened becausw he died in a car accident. He used to tickle me in the foot, he used to knock on my bathroom door whenever he wants to, he used to slam the door when he get mad or sad... These are the ones that i remembered in his mannerisms... I was crying hard, shit! I really frighted.

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About This Story
19 Apr, 2020
Read Time
1 min
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5.0 (1 review)

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