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The Thinner Process

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The Thinner Process

By Starii

Something happened to my best friend...It all started because of that stupid Thinner Process.

Let me explain if anyone ever finds this.

The Thinner Process was this new product that got introduced in America. It soon became popular, especially with girls around my age.

As you know, this country has a problem when it comes to weight and as such it's hard to lose weight these days. My friend, who's called Penny, often had this problem.

She has, well used to have a weight problem that she would often face ridicule with. She would try her best to be like the other girls in our class, thin and pretty.

Unfortunately she never had the time nor care to go to gyms or exercise.

I was the only person that hung around with her before the Thinner Process got introduced. It got met with scepticism from the public at first.

The Thinner Process consists of an egg shaped pill, upon eating, would cause you to lose weight as the weeks went by.

Even with good reviews for it and the popularity of this drug, it soon got passed around my class.

I didn't care about it, but Penny did. She tried it and at first, it didn't seem to work, much to her frustration and sadness. And then, the first week passed and she lost 5lb someday.

Penny didn't believe it herself. She told me that she woke up on the first day of that week having lost 5lb. It was if someone had taken it away from her overnight.

She thanked the drug and felt as though good things were to come for her.

But it wasn't for you see, this was the start of the Thinner Problem.

At first, I was happy for Penny losing weight.

I got surprised that such a simple pill was able to help a girl like Penny lose weight weekly.

As Penny grew thinner, she began to resemble some of the other people in class. Like Cynthia, the most popular girl in school.

She, like most of the other students had taken the Thinner Process. She had saw how Penny began to change and stopped mocking her like she often did. In fact, she even befriended Penny and even allowed her to meet her other friend's as well.

While I was happy for Penny, I began to notice, a change in Cynthia and the other students in the class who took the pill.

More so, they themselves continued to get thinner, as the weeks went on. So much so that some of there bones began to show on there skin, such as there cheeks, arms and even torsos. Hell, some of the clothes on some of the students became hollow for them to wear.

It worried teachers at my school, so much that the drug got banned and any student caught with it got punished. They believed that was the cause of it.

Talks of the Thinner Process died down as well in fear of getting punished as well.

The school faced a problem as about most if not every student besides me had taken the pill at this point.

It also began to affect...There hunger as well.

Students would often try their best to eat but they would feel hungry and starving again by the next hour. They know this and sometimes would cry to have something that would end there hunger.

But no matter how hard they try, by the next week, they would lose more and more weight.

God, thinking about this, reminded me of an incident that happened to a boy in my class.

He was one of the few that hasn't taken the Thinner Process. One boy, who had taken the drug, used to be close friends of his, but as the Thinner Process showed it's true colours on him.

His obsession with filling his hunger took a toll on his mind. The boy wanted to eat anything, even his friend.

The teachers found him at the side of the school, he was...On top of him, leaning down at his friend's face with his teeth making a chomping motion towards him...You can guess what happens next.

The Thinner Process wasn't only hated at my school, it's problems began to show across America as well.

What was once the latest go too product that you must have in your home, became something to get terrified of.

People who didn't take the drug wanted rid of it. Some of them wanted to see what was in these pills so they can make cheap knock offs.

Riots even started trying to get them banned. America is tearing itself apart over these pills.

But unfortunately, it's still here.

People are currently fighting outside my home. It's scary to go out there now, and after what I saw at Penny's house, I don't want to go back out there.

Back at my school, attendance rates dropped a lot once students had to get taken to the hospital or to their homes.

The students who take the Thinner Process, began to resemble something, not human at all.

Cynthia, dear god Cynthia.

I never liked Cynthia, but Jesus, even a girl like her didn't deserve to suffer something as cruel as this.

She was begging for food, any kind of food when the thinner process began to affect her. She didn't hear anything about her friends anymore when they left school, and she was alone.

The last day I saw her, she was in the girl's bathroom, crying and scared. When she saw me, she begged me to give her something, anything to eat.

She wants to be full.

Penny, was one of the first students that left the school.

Unlike the rest of the students, she didn't seem to react that much to the changes in her body. She seemed, relieved for some reason. As her friend, I grew worried over her disappearance.

The school soon closed with only a few students left. The day the school closed, I decided to go to Penny's house to check on her.

She's been quiet ever since she had left school, she refused to answer my calls or my messages. I got worried, that she had lost so much weight that she died.

I mean, by now a few students in the class that I used to be in had died thanks to the Thinner Process. I worried that Penny would be next.

I arrived at her house, where it found the front door unlocked.

Penny's parents always leave the door unlocked, despite me and Penny always saying how bad an idea it is. Nevertheless, since the door was open, I entered the family home to find my friend.

Which was today. The day I discovered something horrifying in regards to the Thinner Process.

What I saw in that house, what Penny did, to her parents, and what she looked like now. I screamed to the top of my lungs. She didn't even recognise me anymore, she thought I was something she could eat.

I...I ran out of the house soon after, from Penny, I heard her groans as I ran out of the door and back to my home as soon as possible.

I cried when I got home. My parents, shit, I don't even know where they are now, i'm getting worried about the outdoors, what happened, what I saw.

At this rate, America will get torn apart because of the Thinner Process, and I fear that my next few hours will be my last.

I'm not able to call my parents and the riot outside, is getting worse then before.

I'm thinking of what could happen next, and there all very bad.

To whoever reads this, anyone from any other country in the world. You have to prevent the Thinner Process from spreading. Stop any smugglers, anyone or anything.

Dear god...I don't want to die alone.

Mom...Dad...Wherever you are, I love you.

Penny...I'm sorry, you didn't deserve what had happened to you.

Nobody in my class does…

I love you all.

I want everything to go back to normal.


Author Notes: Hello, this is my first story on this website. Sorry for spelling and grammar mistakes!


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About This Story
6 Dec, 2018
Read Time
6 mins
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