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The Two Sides of Love
The Two Sides of Love

The Two Sides of Love

CrypticDoyinsolaCryptic Doyinsola
3 Reviews

When you meet someone you love
The feeling look so great at first that you don't want it to end
You both beginning to share memories together and let your insecurities out to each other
Day by day, you learn to see how beautiful love can be....

We will start sharing clothes, thoughts, minds, ambition, future because you believed you're meant together

After some time,
You found that your memories becomes your nightmares
Your insecurities becomes your weakness and greater enemy
By that time,
You want to hate but you won't find the feeling to do so because you're been in love for so long
Then Pain and Depression will be your best companion. Those tears will rolled down your cheeks like the fountain of water

You will now remember when your mother warned about love telling you that you're not old enough to understand the true nature of love
And you later discover that your heart has been broken into pieces...

But the funniest part is that
You will try again to love because you are an animal: An advanced animal to be precise

How Heartbreaking?

Author Notes: Love when you know the real definition of Love!

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About The Author
Cryptic Doyinsola
About This Story
27 Dec, 2020
Read Time
<1 min
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5.0 (3 reviews)

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