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The Victorian Summer House Part 1

The Victorian Summer House Part 1

By Mitzi Danielson-Kaslik

The sound of hurried talking emanated all around as the locomotive screeched to a halt beside the cold grey stone of Platform Three. I gazed at the people, some hand in hand, just what I’m going through, they can’t understand, what happens now? I can’t remember what to do next. What do normal people do next? I waited. A smartly uniformed guard trotted along the edge of the platform and opened the heavy blue glossed doors with huge brazen handles which flashed in the vicious bright sunlight and waved his hand welcomingly. The happy people in bright clothes with big suitcases interjected his action with a smile and clambered aboard the train.

Now I had an action to perform, I too hurried aboard the train via the little silvery scuffed step dragging my old battered suitcase behind me. All I had in the world was in the bag. Everyone’s bags were bigger than mine and I could only assume they were only going on holiday. Finally, managing to move my suitcase aboard, I followed it and entered the smart, clean carriage before me. Next instruction? The happy people in bright clothes with big suitcases lifted them and shoved them unceremoniously into the huge metallic racks above the crowds. Was that safe? Too many bags and that rack would collapse, not that I could get my case up there anyway, I haven’t had to lift anything in as long as I could remember, I wouldn’t have the strength to perform the task. What to do now? I waited. A young gentleman approached me a few seconds later and asked if I needed any help. I simply smiled at him. He happily launched my suitcase up overhead and hopped away back to a young woman who looked rather taken aback at his helping me. She was dressed much differently to me in bright shades of rose red and blushing pink with dashes of white here and there, while I was clad in a grey knee length dress with a sort of matching throw over the shoulders. It was odd. The young gentlemen and the young women took seats at the front of the carriage. I had my next plan of attack: find a seat and sit down. I sat on a navy-blue velveteen scuffed seat just beneath my suitcase where there was no one else.

That was scary. At least I’m okay now. The deafening sun grew lower in the sky as its shade changed to a deep amber with blueish notes running as rivers through the air and began to blind me. I’m not accustomed to such brightness. What would this weekend hold for me? Would the car be waiting at the station? How far away was Little Horwood? Not long now. I can wait until this train pulls in. I shan’t get bored. Not with the prospect of such an exciting weekend on my hands. Anything could happen this weekend.

The train picked up speed. Not long now. I could tell, this would be the summer things would change for me.

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About The Author
Mitzi Danielson-Kaslik
About This Story
16 Mar, 2020
Read Time
2 mins
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