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The window

The window

By kimchi14

There were two men in the same hospital room. One of the men had a broken leg and stayed in the bed at the corner of the room while the other man who had heart problems and stayed in the part of the room that had a big window. Only the man who had heart problems could see it. One day the man with the broken leg asked the other man "What do you see outside the window?" The other man said "I see a park and a garden with different colored flowers. And children playing everyday in the garden with the flowers.The views beauitful."Then the man with the broken leg started to get jealous of how he had the window seat. He asked the nurse if he could switch places with the other man but he couldn't. He got so jealous and he wanted to see the view of how the man described it. Everyday seeing the beauitful view while he recovers.A couple of days later the man with heart problems had a heart attack and the man with the broken leg was about to buzz for the nurse but then thought, if the man died, he could get the window seat and see the view of how beautiful it is. So he let the man die from his heart attack. Then the man with the broken leg asked the nurse if he could move to the window seat and she said yes and when he got to the window seat.. and you know what he saw? A black wall.

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About This Story
29 Sep, 2011
Read Time
1 min
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