They Just...

They don’t ask questions, they just assume. They assume we are all right because they refuse to see the hate brewing inside. They assume we want it when we go along because it is what is perceived as right. They assume their words don’t bother us when we go home and cry till we cannot breathe. They assume we care.
They don’t ask questions about why she stays in the bathroom for an hour after dinner. They don’t ask questions and instead push themselves onto her, she goes along to make everyone happy. They don’t ask if you know they are joking, they don’t ask about the long sleeves in summer.
They don’t ask questions about why he downs a bottle so fast. They don’t ask questions about all her scars when they are alone in the dark. They don’t ask questions about his sudden black eyes and bruises. They don’t ask questions about her weight loss. They don’t ask her how she is. They don’t ask them anything, they just assume.
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