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This is My Love Story <3

This is My Love Story <3

By kristiannamarie13

I always tell him " I can't explain how much I love you because exposing how much I love
You is like trying to explain how water tastes, Impossible<3" yes that is true. And yes I am 13 and most adults would tell me you don't know what love is. Your to young to know love. But to all of us teenagers we know love because we feel it. That's me and him<3!(: I don't know where to begin. The distance </3 we are so close yet so far. 36 mins is to
Far away for me. We live in 2 different cities and yes it's hard when we don't go to the same school but hey we make it work. He always knows how to make me smile on
My darkest most saddest days. He hates when I'm sad and always tries to
Make me feel better. Whenever I tell him I'm sick or tht my shoulders hurt he always says he wishes he could make me feel better. We bring sharpies to the movies just so we can write that we love eachother on the others hand. You hold me from behind and kiss me just because I told you I love when you do that. Everyday we over use I love you and I miss you rarely ever pops up because yes we miss each other but saying and putting it in the world
Wont make us see each other. People say they wish they had our late night convos and our goodnights. Thats us it's our love that I love. Te realastionship isnt defined by looks because I can be wearing barley any make up and wearing sweat pants you still say im beautiful. You came over today for like 45 mins. Those were probably the best 45 mins of my life <3 I love you for you. That's all that matters<3

- Love is real you just have to find the right one (:

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About This Story
28 Dec, 2011
Read Time
1 min
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