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To Stop Time.
To Stop Time.

To Stop Time.


There are rare times in life when time feels like it comes to a stop. Where the world stops moving just for a second, just for you, just for the moment so you can remember it for the rest of your life; when you realise you’re in love with someone, when your first child is born, when you get told a loved one has passed away it’s in these moments where time feels like it comes to a hold just for a moment. Sometimes we want to stop time so tomorrow won’t come, so we don’t have to go home or school or work or anywhere. You want time to stop so you can stay where you are forever, it’s like you don’t exist in between the nanoseconds of time. We want it all to stop; just for a little bit, just for a while and then when time starts again it’ll be like nothing happened. It will all go back to normal. Doesn’t that sound lovely? Doesn’t it sound great? Being utterly free only for a moment. To stop time, to feel free. You need to let yourself go and the second you do; you’ll feel it.

Author Notes: Another short one sorry, I'll write longer ones if you want? Let me know :)

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About This Story
17 Feb, 2018
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<1 min
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