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Tracker 2099

Tracker 2099

By digitalman78

Tracker 2099

The year was 2099, a year before the new millennium, 2100 and the last year for the 21st century. All was peaceful in the great city of Washington DC, not a lot of bad things happen there until intelligent agents appear. A secret agent named Tracker who works for S.A.C.K.S (Secret Agency Council Knowledge Society). A young man in his mid-20’s, had some bionic implants in his body, eyes and super brain. He’s more machine than human, but with a human heart. His real name was Malik Baldwin, a black man, who’s bi-racial, a product of a white mother and black father that went to Canada, Montreal where he was born, but they vanished when he was young and never saw them again in his life.

Living a secret life growing up as a teen growing up in a foster home until 19 years old, had a very limited social life, played some sports like basketball, MMA(Mixed Martial Arts),karate, baseball, running and ice skating, also a straight A+ student in high school at Laval Secondary. He got his flying car driver’s license at 16 and like one girl in high school named Mary Crenshaw, date for 2 years, but never saw her again after he graduated. At the age of 19, he went into the world of secret spy agency for the C.I.A. in Washington D.C. USA, but had to go to school of spy and investigation first for 4 years of training and drilling and he passed with flying colours and by 23 years old when he graduated, he went to the C.I.A. to enrol in.

Scientists had to give him a bionic body, super eyesight, intelligence and ability to survive multiple gunshots, also heal faster than the average person. They given him a code name such as Tracker because he’s always resourceful and knowledgeable. His first assignment is track down a mad Russian scientist named Dimitri Yakioff, who was creating mutant humanoid beings called Destructonians, a hybrid of reptile squid like hair locks with human hands and face. He’s going to unleash these beings unto the human, but Tracker will get some help in his mission.

The 2nd secret agent name was Agent Phoenix Fair Lady a.k.a Christina Montgomery because she was a red head and attractive but she too hid a dark secret. Dimitri’s lab was in a vacant cabin in New York State. Tracker and PFL arrived at the scientist’s hideout with other agents surrounding the place, but the evil scientist saw them on the security video cam and sent his armed robot guardsmen to dispose of them, but failed because both Tracker and Phoenix were both trans-human, half human, half bionic also athletic. PFL jumped in the air to deliver one jump kick to the robot’s face, Tracker dodge the robot’s gunfire, but the robots make the mistake of shooting him in the back.

The bullet popped out of his wound, got angry, went for the machine’s arm with the gun, used to shoot at the other robots, rip its arm off and threw it at the others. All was clear outside, and both went inside the cabin. Dimitri was furious that his robotic creations were destroyed by them. The rookie agents found Dimitri in his lab reaching for his machine gun to fire at them. They ordered him to surrender, but said “Never” and started firing at them, but Phoenix kicked the gun out of his hand, but the scientist escaped through the secret door. Before that, he released one of his creation the mutant Destructionian.

Tracker had fun giving the monster the beat down, but got the best of him until Phoenix found the counter medicine vital and injected into the creature, putting it to sleep for a while. The other agents had caught Dimitri and held him in custody. Back at CIA HQ SACKS, their boss, a woman was happy for their good work capturing the mad scientist and putting an end to his evil creations. Both had gone their separate ways, until next time they meet up. As for the Destructionian creature,it somehow recovered and planning for revenge on the agent and he won't be alone also what other enemies our spy Tracker will face? Let’s leave it until next time.

Simon S. Gordon

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About This Story
22 Feb, 2011
Read Time
3 mins
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