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Turn Around
Turn Around

Turn Around



hearing his voice she turned around to find her heart skip a beat. This is it. He is home. Oh , how she had missed watching him sip his caffeine with his eyes fixed on his work email. She jumps from midst of her papers and diaries and articles which she had been reading and walks upto him smiling. All her words leaves and she hugs him.

‘I missed you too’ he said smiling back at her. She didn’t want to let go of him yet but knowing how tired he would be, she steps back to give him room to breathe. After a year with him, she still is clueless how to act around him. This feeling isn’t new to her. She had been there before and she finds herself incredibly lucky to be in that euphoria again.

Settling down on the couch , he pulls her close and eyes at all the papers scattered over their coffee table. He gives her one of his looks which makes her go weak at knees and says ‘I gather you are going to fill me in with the details’

She laughs and adds ‘not if you don’t want me to but only for now because you know as much as I do that I gotta tell you everything which ran through my head while you were away’

Her laugh makes him smile and caressing her cheeks he says, ‘and I wouldn’t have it any other way’

Despite her reluctance to step out from his nearness, she gets up and asks him what would he like for supper. His heart gets filled with warm laughter at her innocence and her willingness to even take on cooking just for him. Remembering the first meal she had ever prepared, he couldn’t help but laugh. She emerged out smiling like a child who had just discovered the fun facts. That was the day when he had fallen a little more into her. She was this sweet and smart and he loved talking to her so much.

She goes to set the table and he runs the shower. He hadn’t realised until the warm water had touched him, how very tired his entire body was. He could barely keep his eye open. She watches his tired efforts to dry himself and put on the PJs. She decides to give him room to doze off. Supper will still be there when he wakes up.

The side clock read 3am. He is here. Sleeping like a baby. She watches the slow movement of his chest with every breath he draws in. Oh how she loves him. If only she had the courage to tell him that aloud. What if he doesn’t say it back or worse, what if he is not in love with her. It will break her heart all over again. She reflects back on their one year together and smiles to herself. She reassures herself that even though not much , he must like her romantically in bits and pieces because then why else he does things which makes her heart flip just like it had done once before.

She closes her eye and drifted into slumber. She wakes up to find him sitting with his coffee and his eye on her. She blushes. Little confused at why didn’t he wake her up , she gets down and asks about what he would like to eat for breakfast. He startles her by quickly closing the distance between them and kissing her he wishes her ‘Happy birthday’.

She thanks him. Her heart smiles so big that for minutes she forgets whom she doesn’t have to share this day with. He knows how much she misses the only person who would have been beyond happy to watch her today, to watch the person she has become, her accomplishments and her warm heart. From behind her unmatchable enthusiasm and chirpy voice, he sees her sadness every day and how much she misses her mother every day. He would do anything to not let her grief surpass her joys , at least not today. He has come to realise that, with her it’s better to let her cry and say her heart out. And however much it hurts him to watch her with tears, he lets her take it all out. He wishes he could do more and make her forget the pain. He admits how much he loves her smiles and how much he loves watching her talk on practically everything. Damn, he is in love with her. Now if only he could tell her that.

‘Aren’t you hungry? You didn’t eat last night’ she brings him back to present from his own self brooding.

‘Starving’ he says. After he is done with his toast, he winks at her and adds, ‘You don’t always have to feed me. We can do something else’.

She smiles into his eyes and closing her arm around his nape, whispers softly ‘what would you like’

Author Notes: Love. Love is beautiful. Let’s just hope we all get lucky enough to fall in love with someone who makes our sorrows melt away.

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About This Story
16 Mar, 2019
Read Time
4 mins
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