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Unbreakable Law-Part Eight
Unbreakable Law-Part Eight

Unbreakable Law-Part Eight

BookNerd123Black Sheep

(Pine's pov.)

The entire balcony is overflowing with glamoursly dressed people. Apple walks around socializing, smiling polietly, and doing what I refuse. Lemon and Oak sit in the corner, communicating amoungst themselves, and eyeing the people around them warily.

Oak catches me watching him, he looks away. He looks like a mess; eyes tinted red, dark circles under them, hair a mess, and clothes askew. He looks beautiful. I turn away, walking over to Apple.

"Hi," She says, in a flirty tone. Running her hand up my arm, I tru not to flinch away. 'I am doing this for him, I am doing this for him.' I tell myself as I lean down pressing a kiss to her cheeck. 'For him.' I repeat as she drags me around the balcony, like I am a dog on a leash. The party is soon over, we stand in the door way.

Oak and Lemmon walk over, we are reguired to say goodbye. "Congratalations," Oak says, smiling weakly. I close my eyes, holding back tears. 'This is for you, all for you. I am sorry, I love you.' "Thank you," I reply, not meeting his eyes. They walk out, I stare at his back as he leaves, but he dosen't glance back. 'For you.'

"That wasn't so hard." Apple says, venom laced deeply into her words. I pull away from her,"it is over. D not touch me." she chuckles,"you can do nothing. Pathetic," I hiss at her but hold my tongue. My parents walk over, she takes to my arm, and I put on a smile. "The party went well," my mother says. I smile,"it did." My father beams,"how about a walk?" I smile, he gestures for me to follow him. Apple shoots me a warning look, I nod. My mother takes her by the arm, leading her inside.

"Your mother and I did not marry for love but we soon fell in love. You will have to do the same, I know that you think it isn't fair. I know you would probably love to marry a beautiful girl status not mattering but the world dosen't work that way. You are an heir to this kingdom and you must provide the best future for it, You and Apple are the best future. The kingdom has it's laws and rules for a reason. You have to follow them, you have to write the future of this kingdom. You must provide for our people. You and Apple," My father finishes his rather horrid speech, slapping my back.

"I know. I will do it for the kingdom."

'I will do it for him.'

Author Notes: Sorry for the wait, hope you enjoy.

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About The Author
Black Sheep
About This Story
24 Feb, 2021
Read Time
2 mins
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