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Unreachable Dreams

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Unreachable Dreams

By Loud-silence717

There was a 14 girl who had everything she wanted, but she didn't like going to school, she used to visit her brother in jail, and she escaped school for not being asked were she's been.

Her principal always told her that if she attended courses, she could be the first in school.

she's smart and kind, she never stands for her rights, she was shy, and people took advantage of her.

Oneday she was tired of everything and decided to drop out of school, she was in 8 grade.

A couple of years passed, the girl regretted leaving school, she started having big dreams, she wanted to be someone, she told her father that she wants to go back to school, he gave her mother tuition fees, but sadly her mother is a greedy women.

She paid for 1 month and took the rest of the money, and of course she spent on her beloving addicted child.

The girl now wants to have a bright future, but her parents aren't helping her, she's looking for a job but her education level isn't helping her.

She started believing lies she tells others about education, she's going through a lots, and what hurts her more is hating herself for what she's going to be.

Author Notes: Messy story. disorganized life
I talked about myself


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About This Story
27 May, 2017
Read Time
1 min
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