By boomman17
-Lost my gramps in '97, my g-ma in '04
Now my aunt has been welcomed to heavens door.
-Now this is the time where family consoles each other.
Time for everyone to be there for & lift up one another.
-No longer am I confused & randomly screwin.
I finaly realize that God knows what he's doing.
-I admit I had my doubts before,
but no more & no longer will I speak like a helpless whore
-Time for me to learn isteadof predict.
Time for me to stop playing these childish tricks.
-Thats not who I am, or how I was brought up.
I refuse to follow the footsteps of my elderly fuck-up.
-This piece was supposed to be for my aunt instead of me.
This just proves that poetry clears what you can't see.
-Well thats my time, if you listened, I thank you.
And Auntie B just know I love & miss you.
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