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Franc68Lorient Montaner

'There are such beings as vampires, some of us have evidence that they exist. Even had we not the proof of our own unhappy experience, the teachings and the records of the past give proof enough for sane peoples'. —Bram Stoker

I had been travelling aboard a train from Zagreb to Varazhdin, when I arrived at my destination in the late afternoon of the year 1868. My name is Karl Von Henkel. I had come to Varazhdin from Austria to assist a good friend of mine and colleague, Dr Horvat who was expecting me at the train station. In his private correspondence, he had urgently required my proficiency in the prevention of a rare disease that had been afflicting the locals, at a nearby village called Mrka.

There was mention of the concern of an outbreak of a plague that was spreading and was feared to reach Varazhdin within days. There were not that many details that were shared in the correspondence, but I had perceived the serious nature of the predicament.

I had registered myself at one of the local inns and had my luggage directly transported there. Thereafter, I had discussed at length with Dr Horvat, the ongoing situation that had unfolded in the village of Mrka. I was not certain to what measure or degree I could assist the doctor, but I was willing to help him in whatever capacity feasible.

His concern was very noticeable in his mien and temperament. He did not need to elaborate more for me to realise that he was profoundly troubled, by the inexplicable disease. Dr Horvat had not been able to diagnose properly the origin nor the cause for that matter. He knew of my expertise, within the field of contagions and diseases, although I could not guarantee him that I would ultimately find the diagnosis nor cure for his mysterious illness. I would require time. That would be uneath.

When we had arrived at the village of Mrka, we had encountered an unusual murk that had overshadowed the small village. There was a pervasive fog that had clouded the sober entrance, nearby a lone church that stood erect, as a reminder of the ancient lore of the village.

An elderly villager named Milo had greeted us there. He had escorted us to the church graveyard to see the deceased that were in the process of being buried. It was an indescriptible scene of countless rows of corpses, infused with the scent of incense to disguise the noisome smell of putrefaction.

Dr Horvat was as shocked as I was to witness, such a horrendous sight of death. There was nothing that could have prepared us for this result. The circumstances were unpredictable. Our initial observation and examination of the corpses were that they had no evident marks of a disease that was known to us. No malaria or tuberculosis were detected. The latter was what I had feared occurring.

The only signs that we had concluded were some unexplained marks on the necks of the deceased. Their faces were extremely pallid and cold. Their bodies were stiff and devoid of blood. The local villagers had known what was transpiring, but they would not speak to us nor dare utter their thoughts in public. Our task at hand was to examine any infested villagers that were still alive. We had managed to find one, a young boy no older than twelve. We were taken to his home, whereupon we had examined him in his bed.

I had closely examined him myself and saw a horrible look in his dilated eyes and his faint expressions. He had appeared to be in some kind of pain that was also mental, and he was pallid and cold but alive. He was sweating profoundly and having convulsions.

I had checked on his neck and saw the familiar markings that the others who were dead had demonstrated. It was difficult to surmise from a studious examination of the boy, if the punctured marks were from a bite mark or wound from any indigenous animal.

Wolves and bats were rare to find in these parts of the country. However, we did not dismiss the possibility of them being the carrier to an actual outbreak of rabies. Dr Horvat had assumed that the disease was related to rabies. I was not yet convinced and had reserved my judgement. The blood that we had extracted from the boy was infected, but we could not determine the origin of the infection, under the magnification of our microscopes.

It was inusitate to see that all the persons that I had examined so far had bore the same marks on their necks. I needed to examine more patients that were afflicted and were alive like the boy. Unfortunately, the boy was the only one at the time that could be fully examined. If Professor Horvat's observation and diagnosis were correct and these poor people had died due to an outbreak of rabies, then it was extremely important that we had monitored the progress of the boy and other potential victims closely.

We could not afford this unknown disease to extend to other parts of the area, including Varazhdin, the towns of Ivanec, Ludbreg, Lepoglava, Novi Marof. It would be a catastrophic consequence. I had suggested that the villagers be quarantined, until we could seclude the illness. A virus was not excluded, but the notion of the spread of rabies was considered to be more probable than an unknown virus.

Dr Horvat was not in agreement. He preferred to wait, until we could positively know what was behind the spread of the contagion. He did at least, concede to the logic of my suggestion, and he did seem to respect my insight. I had understood his hesitance to quarantine the villagers, and I was convinced that there had to be a reasonable elucidation for what was occurring at the village.

In the meantime, we did the best that we could in attempting to analyse and deduce the origin and cause of the mysterious illness. We had stayed in one of the rooms of the old church. That first night, I had experienced the eeriness of the village. A whistling birr had stirred the graveyards of tombs, and howling wolves bellowed from the forest. The church bell rang and had awakened me from my dormant sleep.

When I rose to my feet to look out of the window, I could see what had appeared to be women roaming the grim nights in hoods, drenched in the moisture of dripping blood and dew. I was not certain, if I had seen what my eyes were witnessing. I did notice that as the night had gradually approached, the shutters of the villagers were closed and their windows were hemmed and locked. There were wreaths of garlic hanging over them, as if to thwart off an intruder. I was curious to know the reason, for all of these superstitious measures.

In the morning, I had commented this to Dr Horvat, who would only confirm my suspicion about the villagers' superstitions. One of the villagers had seen our carriage pass and had warned us to leave the village at once. He told us to return to where we came from and not visit the castle.

When we had stopped to ask him why, he stared into our eyes and uttered the word ''vampyr''. Had I heard him make such a bold and strange utterance? I would not have the opportunity to question him. Dr Horvat had told me to dismiss what the old man had related to me and not bear credence to his words.

Despite the advice from the doctor, I could not desist in wondering what was truly meant by the words of ''vampyr''. It was disturbing to hear what I had understood as meaning, vampire. We had passed through a patch of thick trees in the forest. There were unique sounds that could be heard, but I had sensed that we were being watched. By whom, I did not know. It was a perception that I had, ever since we entered the forest.

There was even a waggon that was behind us. We could not distinguish the countenance of the driver. Was he following us, or was it a mere coincidence that we were both on the same road at the same time? When we reached the end of the forest, he had passed us by. He had appeared to be a villager. I could not tell if he was from Mrka. The serious look in his eyes was penetrating and bizarre.

Dr Horvat did not comment about the mysterious man in the waggon, and I did not see the need to distract him. On our way to check on the young boy, I had seen an ancient castle from afar that was sitting atop a tall hill, with its towering spires protruding over the tree line of the verdant forest and celestial lake below.

The castle was situated between the roads from Ptuj to the Bednja Valley. According to Dr Horvat, it was a former fortification that was then remodelled into a residential castle of nobility. It was built and protected, by the chivalrous knights of Drachenstein.

It was impressive in its sheer structure and design. It was the first time I had ever seen a castle in these parts of Europe. There was something mesmerising about the castle that had drawn me into its mystic and history. I wanted to know more, but that would have to wait afterwards.

We reached the house of the young boy to discover that he had regrettably passed away in his sleep the prior night. The parents of the boy were distraught and inconsolable, but they knew why the boy had died. They had no doubt. This was my perception only, for they did not dare to reveal to me what they were thinking. Both Dr Horvat and I had examined with meticulosity the boy in our observation. There was nothing new that had differed from the other fatal deaths registered.

The familiar marks on his neck were still there, yet there was something that after a closer look, I had noticed that the marks had a puncture that was fresh.

Something had bitten the boy on the neck. It was difficult to distinguish what had bitten the boy. It could have been any wild animal.

I had the impression that Dr Horvat had sensed what was troubling the parents of the deceased young boy, but he would not disclose to me his interpretation. It was terrible to see such a boy be taken at a young age, by a disease we had not determined its cause.

With immediacy, the body of the young boy was taken in carriage to the cemetery of the church, where we were staying at for precautionary measures. Dr Horvath and I were both perplexed by the sudden nature of the deaths and their unexplained circumstances.

Still at this point, I could not discard the possibility of rabies being the main culprit. If a wild dog or a wolf was biting people on their necks, would not the bite marks had been more lethal and brutal? Any of those animals would have immediately killed the boy.

There was something else that was an occurrence that was not told to us upon our arrival, and that was that some of the villagers had gone missing. Apparently, they had disappeared in the night. This had conjured the images of the hooded women that were walking in the graveyards of the cemetery of the church the previous night that I had witnessed.

The Catholic priest of the church was quiet as well. He spoke few words to us. The only person that was talkative to some degree was Milo, the man that had greeted us upon our arrival to the village. It was queer indeed to have two dramatic events happening to the villagers in a haunting sequence of events. Without much credible evidence, there was little that I could asseverate as pure facts.

The image of the ancient castle had entered my mind then. I had asked Dr Horvat to tell me more about the history of the castle. He began to relate his account in depth. He began by informing me that the Draschkovich Castle was once a fortification as he had mentioned.

At the end of the 14th century, it was owned by the Counts of Celje. The family lineage became extinct, and it was passed on to the Draschkovichs a century afterwards, who had kept the castle throughout generations and gave it a Gothic appearance.

During the time of Austrian rule, King Maximilian gave the entire estate to a Juraj Draschkovich for services rendered to the empire. In 1584, the Draschkovich family finally came into sole possession of the castle. When I had enquired, who was presently dwelling in the castle, he did not know the response. Milo, who had been overhearing our conversation and knew German had replied.

He said that a baroness, by the name of Draga Draschkovich had been living at the castle, but it was abandoned. I asked him, if anyone could visit the castle, he told me that the castle had no visitors. I had insisted in seeing the castle in person. Dr Horvath had wondered why I would want to visit the castle, with such urgency.

I had explained to him that perhaps the contagion of rabies could have had something to do with the forlorn castle. Perhaps bats, wild dogs or even rats were infesting the castle. It was not implausible to fathom such possibility, since we did not know with certainty what was behind the inflicted cases.

The castle was erected at the foothills nearby the lake. Milo, who was apprehensive in escorting us to the castle, would take us to the front entrance by carriage. There, he would wait outside for us. The pathway to the castle was steep and narrow. We had opened the front gate of the castle and passed through the aperture of its stone masonry. The massive tower above was imposing and Gothic in its coat of arms.

Milo had obtained the keys to the castle. The caretaker of the castle had given them to him. I had noticed that Milo was very leery, and at the same time nervous. We passed the solemn courtyard and had stepped inside the castle. There was an ominous omen that I had sensed, as I stood before the front door. At the time, I had no idea of the lurking horror that was residing in that abandoned castle.

Inside there were three storeys, a main hall, wrought tapestries and priceless furniture. The mahogany chairs and tables were covered with specks of dust, as was the chandelier that was above us. The wooden floor would creak as we walked ahead. The violet and silken draperies had been covering the ornate windows to not allow the sunlight to enter. We would open them to clearly see the rest of the objects in the castle. The corridors were narrow and long. I had the intuitive presentiment they were secret passageways that led to ancient mysteries yet discovered.

In the dining hall, there were elaborate paintings of the knights of Drachenstein, and in the rooms upstairs, there were also family paintings of the Draschkovichs. The House of Draschkovich was a prominent Croatian noble family, supposedly descended from an old Croatian noble tribe of Krcshelac. Ivan Draschkovich was the father of Marko Draschkovich, who was the father of the last known descendant to have lived in the castle, his daughter, the baroness Draga.

I could sense the powerful influence that they had in the castle, with only their mere expressions on their countenances reflected. It was somewhat creepy to be inside a castle that was abandoned and have no one dwelling inside its vast domain. There was a narrow passageway that led downstairs to an eldritch dungeon it would seem. The steps were spiralling and plenteous. I could hear the awful sounds of screeching rats and smell the stench of death.

I had begun to walk down the stairway, when I was halted in my advance by Dr Horvat. He had insisted that it was not necessary to go down there, and if there were rats living in the dungeon that he would have them exterminated. We could not risk being bitten by them, if they were carriers of rabies.

Even though, I was in favour of checking the area beneath us, I still was unclear whether we were dealing with an outbreak of rabies or something entirely of a different nature. I had acquiesced to the suggestion of the doctor and climbed back up the stairs.

We had proceeded with the search of the castle, but we departed it thereafter. Before we left, I did notice one peculiar thing that I had not paid attention to, and that was the particular fact that there were no mirrors in the castle. Dr Horvat had determined that rabies was probably the cause to the disease that was racking the village. I was still not fully convinced of that eventuality.

I needed more time to properly conclude or deduce a correct diagnosis. The thoughts in my mind were fixated on the castle. Why was it so relevant to me? Why did I believe it was connected to the epidemic disease that was killing the villagers? Was it propagated as well on to the other nearby villages.

Apparently from what I was apprised by Dr Horvat, this was too occurring in those villages. Drastic measures had to be taken, in order for the disease to not reach the other parts of Croatia. It was decided that we would concentrate our time and effort in Mrka, whilst other doctors would do the same in those aforementioned villages.

That night there was an obnubilate mist, as I was resting in my bed at the church, when I felt long fingernails touching my face. For a brief moment, I saw the image of a seductive woman that had transformed, into a horrific creature standing before me. She then had disappeared.

I began to hear once more, the howling of wolves or dogs. I was not certain if they were wolves. I had looked through my window and saw the images of anonymous women cloaked in hoods, walking pass the headstones. Who were these women, and why were they in the cemetery, at such a late hour in the night? What I did not know or suspect was that they were nocturnal thralls of the vampiric baroness Draga.

The clangour of the bells had rung and the sounds of plaintive dirges were audible to my ears. This was unusual and abnormal, considering the situation in the village with the disease, and the fact that the villagers not infected would not come out at night so audaciously.

I was intrigued with the sight of the hooded women that I went outside to investigate. Had they come to pay respects to the dead? When I had arrived at the cemetery, there was only one of these women still left. She was in front of a headstone kneeled down, with her back facing me.

I had paused, thinking it was odd to interrupt her moment of reverence, but as I got closer to her, I had discovered a horrendous image that no man should ever witness with his own eyes. The woman was sucking the blood from the deceased boy that I had visited previously. I was aghast by the despicable image that I had grabbed her immediately.

When I did that, she had turned around and displayed her sharp pointed fangs at me, as she hissed with impudence. I was stunned by the fangs and had released my grip on her. She then rose to her feet and had disappeared into the vapour of the mist. Had I encountered what was the presence of a preternatural being of the world of the undead? It was implausible to accept the premise of that argument. It was not logical or explanatory what I had seen.

I could attempt to expound on the events that had happened, but that would only be speculation at best. How could I convince myself that I saw a vampiric creature that had resembled a woman? How would I be able to convince Dr Horvat of that absurd notion? I was never an actual believer of ancient vampires or their legends.

Was I only dreaming or imagining this sequence of horror? Was she only an insane woman that had become animalistic and cannibalistic as well? It would seem more logical to assume that she was a perverted woman than a blood-sucking leech of a vampire.

I had slept little that night, for I could not easily efface the image of the vampiric creature that I had seen in the guise of a woman. In the morning, I had made the conscious decision to reveal the episode of dread that I had descried at the cemetery the prior night to Dr Horvat.

He was somewhat sceptical, but it was more of surprise than disbelief I had felt. His precise words were more of a question, did I not dream what I thought to have seen? As a man of medicine and of science, I could not dismiss that possibility, but I was certain of what I had seen. He asked me, if I was not sleepwalking or had mistaken the image of the vampiric creature for a deranged woman from the village. There were no reports of vampires roaming in Mrka of credibility, nor did I see anyone else, except this woman.

For the time being, it was best to concentrate on what I had come for in the first place with the doctor and that was diagnosing the disease that was afflicting the villagers. Was I starting to imagine things that were not, or conjured images that were not real at all? If I had mistaken all of these things for my fanciful mind, then there had to be something that was occurring to me.

Was I coming under the influence of the situation and the stories of vampires that were known in these parts of Europe? Was I becoming less incredulous? I had to forget all of this and dedicate my thoughts elsewhere where they were needed. It was difficult to actually accept that there were real vampires and that they were feeding off the deceased villagers.

We headed to another house in the vicinity, where another poor victim was succumbing to the deadly effects of the disease. This time it was a young woman, who had displayed the same bite marks, as the other victims. The pale skin of her neck was punctured, with precise sharp needlelike teeth. I had felt instant guilt for not being able to save her life, but we were dealing with something that was unnatural and abnormal.

Her body would be taken to the cemetery where there was a designated mortuary. We had taken samples of some of the dead bodies and compared them to a dead rat, a dog and wolf, under our microscopes. Studiously we had examined them each and we had concluded that it was probably not rabies. The size of the bitemarks was not consistent, with the pattern of bite of these animals.

I had told Dr Horvat that it was time to ask for more assistance. He would give me the sober truth. There were no other doctors available. The others were treating villagers in the other nearby villages. It came to the point that no entrance or exit was allowed into or out of these villages, including the village of Mrka. That meant that we were trapped and unable to leave the village, until the outbreak was under total control. This was the serious nature of our predicament.

I had sent a correspondence back to Vienna, imploring other doctors to assist us. Europe had been racked with the horrible Black Death amongst other contagions before, but this was something that was beyond the preconceived notion of any natural cause of human death.

I had to prove my theory about the suspicion of the vampire in the manner that was credible and not fanciful. Perhaps a bit of psychology was needed. It was possible that the woman that I had seen drinking blood from the dead boy had believed that she was an actual vampire, but was not.

I mentioned that thought to Dr Horvat and he had concurred with me. We had visited all the houses of the villagers to see, if we could locate the old woman in the hood that I had seen in the cemetery, but to no avail. We could not locate her, or any hooded women in the village that had matched her description.

There was one place that we had not checked, and that was the hoary castle. Dr Horvat was against that idea, and he had convinced me that it was feckless to check the castle for the old woman, since I was not even certain she had existed in the first place.

There was an urgency to solve the disease or illness. Dr Horvat had suggested that we transfuse blood into the victims that were dying, in order to see if we could prevent their deaths. It was a plausible solution if proven to be viable and accurate. That would imply that the villagers who were not inflicted would give their blood willingly. That was not guaranteed. Time was of the essence, and there was little time to spend on insignificant matters that were not conducive to the diagnosis of the illness.

We would have to wait until the evening, when a certain middle-aged man had been infected. We had visited his home and he was in bed sweating in profusion. There was not much time to test our theory. Thus, we had injected the patient with a transfusion of blood from another villager of the same type of blood. Unfortunately, for us, the injection was not enough to save his life. It was more practical to believe that the man was, beyond any true measure of being saved.

This meant that we could not know, if the inflicted people could be saved with a mere blood transfusion. We had to devise another effective plan or method. Would we have sufficient time to achieve our objective? The increment in the numbers of the dead villagers was beginning to occupy the space in the cemetery.

Who would be left for the interments of the dead villagers? There were so many questions left unanswered. The complexity in attempting to diagnose something that we did not know was even treatable was disturbing and challenging. It was not easy to be imperturbable.

Upon that night there would be a unique presage that would come to its fruition. Whilst I was in the company of Dr Horvat at the cemetery, a chilling event would occur. We were examining the latest dead victim to the virulent disease with the lamplight, when suddenly several women were standing in front of us with darkled black hoods.

We saw them, but they did not dare to utter a single word when we had addressed them. They proceeded to take off their hoods, and we saw beyond the pallor of their skin, their hideous beady eyes and ominous fangs. For the first time, Dr Horvat had seen what I had described to him, the image of the vampires. They grabbed us and had knocked us unconscious to the ground. This was when the terror of the legendary vampiress had begun.

When I awoke, I was shackled to the hardened ground, with the cobwebs and a drear gloom encompassing me. There were starving rats gnawing at my clothing, amidst the darkness swathed in drops of blood. I could hear the ghastliness of the wailing of children, behind the recesses of the stone walls. I was in the Stygian confines of the dungeon of the Draschkovich Castle.

I had vaguely remembered the details of the cemetery, except that I was attacked by a vampiric woman. Who had imprisoned me? That I was not certain of. The only thing that I was certain of was the fact that someone had bound me unbeknownst to me. I had struggled to free myself, and I called on whoever was listening, but no one would assist me.

A feeble and faint light from the shimmer of the full moon outside of the oubliette had entered into the dungeon. I was able to look through the small aperture of the door, and I could see through the shadowy corridor of the lambent torches, the silhouette of a female approaching, as her body glided along the corridor with stealthy footfalls.

I could smell the gruesome scent of blood from afar and hear the sounds of her breath, as she approached nigh. Her voice had resonated then into malacophonous murmurs. She would pass me and reach the dungeon, where Dr Horvat was at. I had not been aware that the doctor was in a nearby dungeon. He too was a captive and worse, he would ultimately meet his tragic fate, as he abided quivery of his pending doom.

I was able to hear clearly, the haunting screams of agony from the doctor. I could only imagine the horror that he had to endure unwillingly. I knew afterwards that I was next. Whatever madness that existed in the castle and had brought me there was an inscrutable evil that was beyond any description offered. It was ineffable in nature.

The immediate thought had entered into my mind that the blood-sucking vampires were behind the missing or dead villagers. I did not fully know the whole extent of their terror, until I would be forced to confront it in person. It would not be surreal but real.

There in the dungeons of her castle were bones and skulls amassed of the victims that had succumbed to the predation of her manifold whims and of her race. What I did not know at the time was that the dead villagers had risen or were then, the undead servants of her macabre pleasures of eroticism.

They had gathered in the corridors waiting for her arrival. I could see their abhorrent features that were vampiric in nature. The red glow in their eyes was reflective of their sinister appearance. Their pointed fangs and elongated fingernails were demonstrative of their animalistic behaviour.

Like a cult of vampires, they were reverential to the baroness Draga, as if she was their interminable goddess. It was unbelievable to fathom that all of this time, the castle had been the secret place of the vampyrs and the baroness, who was the queen of their race. For how long had they been dwelling in the castle unnoticedly?

I had gone to the castle and did not see them there. They were all below in the area of the dungeon, with numerous coffins that hid them from the light of the sun. It was impossible to escape. I was chained from hands to feet. There seemed to be no way to free myself, from the impenetrable bondage of the manacles that had oppressed me.

The horrific screams of Dr Horvat had ceased afterwards. I had sensed that he was dead. Another death to add to the already countless deaths recorded. I did not know the hour that the doctor had died or was presumed dead, but it was still night. Within several minutes, Draga the baroness would enter my dungeon. Slowly, the door had creaked open, and there before me appeared her seductive body, wearing an exotic white dress of unruffled silk, bearing a gold crown on her head, upon her ebony flaxen curls of imposition.

Her harrowing willowy fingernails and her long-jagged fangs drooling, to thirl my bare neck with her insatiable need, as she had stared into my eyes, with her crimson eyes and devilish grin. She did not utter a word, but her singular expression was enough to make me apprehensive. She began to smell me and lick my face, before she had pressed her scarlet lips on to mine. It was the same female that had entered my room at the church.

Afterwards, she began to tear my shirt and with her fingernails scratch down my chest, causing drops of blood to pour on to the ground. She cut my veins on my right hand, as she then started to drink from my chest and veins. She had poured some of that blood into a crystal chalice. I was helpless to do anything to thwart her ravenous thirst and seduction. I was a victim to her terrifying hunger for human flesh. Her provocative seduction had included fulfilling her lustful desires of perversion also.

She was a sinful temptation, but I had to resist with all my might within me, if I was going to survive this madness. She had undressed before me and was naked. She then had transformed into an abominable creature that was not human in nature at all. It was a beast of great dimensions and perdurability.

For some reason, she had decided to spare me that night, but I would still be her wretched prisoner locked up in a forsaken dungeon, for the remainder of the night. It was not until the following morning that I would hear the familiar voice of Milo. He had entered the castle and had called my name. I was weak and deprived of sleep, as I was awakened to hear his voice calling me. I was able to gain enough strength to shout at him to come for me in the dungeon.

The door was locked, and he would have to use a metal rod to open the padlock. When he finally was capable of opening the door, he used the same metal rod to break the chains that had shackled me. I was free, at last. It would seem, but the horror had not abated yet.

I told him that in the dungeon next to mine was the body of Dr Horvat. Milo would check and find only the remains of a lone skeleton chained to a wall. I was shocked to know that there was only a skeleton found. Was it the skeleton of the doctor? It had to be. Who else would it be?

We would discover numerous dead bodies of villagers in coffins resting. That would not be the only shocking revelation. There was no sign of the vampiric baroness Draga, or her coffin. Milo had told me that the coffins were placed there not by a vampire, but by the gravediggers of the cemetery. Because there were no other places to put the deceased bodies, they were brought there to the castle, as a temporary solution.

I was confused. I looked around everywhere, but I was losing strength by the minute. I had told him the deceased bodies in the coffins were vampires that had risen in the night. He knew what I was talking about, but had refused to utter the name ''vampyr''.

Ultimately, we left the castle. Milo had been able to carry me on to the carriage. I was resting in my bed at the church. A woman had been tending to me. I would awake in and out of the states of my consciousness and sleep. I would have terrible episodes of nightmares of the dungeon, the baroness and what I had witnessed.

After several hours, I had regained my consciousness and mental faculties. My vision, my smell, my hearing had altered. I could see far away, smell the flowers from the cemetery, hear the slightest beat of my heart. I had touched my neck and felt a mark. Afterwards, I saw a mirror beside me, and I rose to my feet staring into the mirror. I was extremely pale. When I had looked into the mirror, I did not see myself. I was horrified to know that I had become one with the undead, a VAMPYR.

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About The Author
Lorient Montaner
About This Story
17 May, 2023
Read Time
30 mins
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