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We hold these truths to be self evident

We hold these truths to be self evident

By KeithLankford

We hold these truths to be self evident
We hold these dreams to be not forgotten
Yet unrealized
A dream not of one man
A dream of millions and millions
Not a dream of just the black man
A dream of all men
To live amongst our brothers without the prejudices of the past blinding so many to the reality of the present
The character of a man is not shown in the pigment of his skin but in his presentation of himself to those forced to live in his presence
Just as one might question the character of fbi cia cointelpro operatives who not only targeted MLK, Fred Hampton, Malcom X, John Lennon, Jim Morrison, Janis Joplin, etc, and till this day target civil rights activist, environmentalists, animal rights activist, any movement, any organization, any musician (Van Morrison: The Long Con,) that poses a threat to the psychological warfare operations documented as to have been carried out for nearly three decades in secrecy before exposure, before the evidence of the decades of crimes committed nationwide were exposed.
These were not merely operations that saw endless acts of domestic terrorism by definition carried out by state funded agencies, these were operations carried out in a war not only against black Americans, but against any American that stood up and fought for civil rights and liberties of all. The crimes committed included stalking, druggings, slander, blackmail, poisonings, false imprisonments, fabrication of evidence, judicial corruption, murders, assassinations.
Martin Luther Kings dreams love on, for they have not been realized
Brought down in the prime of his life, by a bullet which shattered the vision he shared with all men
Just as Americans who had dreamed they lived in a country where their elected leader was safe, secure from the threat posed by “magic bullets” delivered quickly to our leaders soon after rejecting proposals by the CIA, (which would have been carried out with FBI full cooperation) to lead our nation into a manufactured war.
Operation Northwoods
The Kennedy’s fell, brother after brother as they stood up against the corruption overflowing not only from the FBI, but the CIA, law enforcement agencies nationwide, local, state, federal officials at every level of our government.
Dreams quickly shattered
Unknown assassins quickly caught
Though of course these assassinations, deaths, Murders were not linked to the exposed and documented cointelpro assassination operations.
The civil verdict delivered in favor of Coretta King found Martin Luther Kings Murder to most likely be the result of a vast criminal conspiracy involving the CIA, FBI, Police.


The documented, admitted infiltration of mainstream media to cover up these crimes, to spread disinformation and propaganda somehow got buried in the back pages of newspapers, somehow our airwaves were censored from the cointelpto violence as we witnessed our young men being shot down daily on foreign battle fields.

The FBI, CIA, must tremble as they found streets across our land named after Martin Luther King, John F Kennedy, as they drive down these streets daily, obviously reminded of the many differences they had with these men, the letter sent to MLK in hopes of intimidating, traumatizing this man, in hope of this man ending his own life which was soon after ended with a bullet.

These dreams slipping farther from the America conscious as the events of 911 unfolded, leading to not only the re-creation of this criminal syndicate (by definition) but to the dramatic expansion of these operations in a guise to fight (domestic terrorism.)

The steps taken to find equality for all men, once again taken by men who found to beat provide the black man with equal rights, was to wage a never ending nightmarish war on the civil rights of all men.

We hold these truths to be self evident.

We find these truths exposed, documented, buried in the endless graveyard of corruption which rivals the graves across our nation where men of all colors, all races, were laid to rest, giving their lives with the mindset that they were fighting for the “American Dream” as they gave their lives in Corporate Wars.

Almost three score years ago, MLK gave one of the most well known, publicized speeches in our nations history.


Five score years before that he stated this journey had begun.

Eight score years now, dreams turned to nightmares
The Black lives matter movements, antifa, movement admittedly infiltrated by CIA, FBI, Homeland Security, if they carry out operation as documented throughout history.

These movements carrying out acts of violence nationwide, as police stand down helpless, despite hundreds of billions of dollars being funneled to our nations police departments in the militarization of our nations police departments which Homeland Security took control of.

Somehow these same law enforcement agencies unable to comprehend how to deter such acts of violence, vandalism when provided with arsenals of weapons, crowd control sonic weapons long used to disperse crowds, guns which kill innocents daily, as well as protect the respectable men and women in our law enforcement agencies carrying out their duties and taking their oath to protect the constitutional rights of all Americans seriously.

If we can not learn from history, if we are blind to a threat that stands on every street corner, that is transmitted to and from every smart device, we join the CIA, the FBI as we embrace the counter intelligence mentality which has separated common sense from the psychological warfare operations which are and have been carried out since the beginning of time.

We can only counter this unreliable and questionable counter intelligence with Intelligence.

We can not do this if we choose to not question the facts we are bombarded with daily which are spread by the very agencies, operative who used all information sources as a tool to manipulate facts into printable fiction.

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19 Nov, 2021
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4 mins
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