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What if We Were All Zombies but We Didn't Know?
What if We Were All Zombies but We Didn't Know?

What if We Were All Zombies but We Didn't Know?


Okay, I have a conspiracy theory!

What if we were all zombies but we didn't know?

Has ur WiFi been being weird? Have you see abstract patterns while doing something? And have you been getting dizzy spells when you move too fast?

What if the WiFi is messing up because in another realm it is running fine, but we are in a state where we think we are living life regularly, but we're not? The abstract patterns are due to your brain seeing something from your zombie state, and it goes to you and you see something. Dizzyness is from your zombie-like brain going through an attack.

What if COVID-19 was what started it, and it spread through us all other than children, and the virus puts our body in a violent, zombie-like state but you don't know?

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21 May, 2021
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