Now I understand what father told me few years ago
I thought life was a bed of roses when I met him
He was handsome and fun to be with
All my requests he fulfilled without murmuring
The gifts and love was overabundant and endless
When we walked down the aisle
And the I do was said I thought "wow what a happy day"
Picked backed was I carried to bed
And endless love was shared
When the younger ones came we rejoiced
Until one day the tide turned
My better half became a drunkard
For he had lost his job
He practised all kinds of atrocities
When I spoke in despair to him
About his sudden change of character
Did my cheek suffered the rhythm of his hands
He married another and said I was a nagging wimp
With no job or father
And all the burdens now on my shoulder
Did I remember what dad said to me
That life is a bed of cold and bruises.
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