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When I Do Not Lie Awake

When I Do Not Lie Awake

By Ashisa Mochizuki - 2 Reviews

In my dreams I was a bull

Roaming 'round endless fields

Growing wings like feathered balloons

In my dreams I was a candy

An ore dug by the tooth

Sweetness fleeting as a heartbeat

Quenching a cave's glands

In my dreams I transcend

All human-established laws

I can make and break and take;

Paper planes to take me places,

Golden walls of rich against poor,

Multitude of nerve-racking adventures

In my dreams, I am me

The me I ought to be

Author Notes: All people breathe with all different kinds of dreams, from the weirdest to the most mediocre. But whatever they are, we never want to fall short of the effort to chase after them.
And if we hurt people, that we'd surely do, whether with or without our consent , might as well chose the right ones to teach a lesson.

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About The Author
Ashisa Mochizuki
About This Story
28 Jan, 2017
Read Time
<1 min
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4.0 (2 reviews)

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