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When It Happens to You
When It Happens to You

When It Happens to You

1 Review

I watched my best friend die and I still cry over that. I live in fear that one day I will watch someone very close to me die. I know it will happen but I still have that fear. You call me dramatic because I have flashbacks of that die and I have a panic attack. Don´t call me dramatic until it happens to you. You found a letter about how I truly felt and you called me dramatic. You can´t judge me for how I feel. Half of my feelings was because of you. You can´t tell me who I can be with because of age difference because you are with someone who is twelve years older than you. Age is just a number. I cry over my pain and you call me weak. Yes everyone has pain but everyone has different pain. You will never understand my pain so don´t call me weak. You will never know until it happens to you. You call me a baby because I am scared of taking big pills and capsules because when we still lived with our mom she shoved sleeping pills down our throat and I was always the one to choke on them. Don´t call me a baby until this happens to you. I will eventually get over that fear but as of right now It´s growing. You call me stupid because I didnt say I loved you because I am scared to. Everytime I open up someone always leaves and it was always someone I loved. So don´t force me to say something just to make you feel good. When all of these things happen to you that is when I want you to call me weak. You can not talk until you are put in the situations I was put in.Tell me how it is when it happens to you. You don´t know the real me nor will you ever.

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About This Story
26 Feb, 2021
Read Time
1 min
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5.0 (1 review)

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