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When The Curtain Goes Up (28a and b)
When The Curtain Goes Up (28a and b)

When The Curtain Goes Up (28a and b)


The Aquarian Writings : Epilogue

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth

When The Sun Refuses To Shine

When the Sun refuses to shine on your day,
And you’re finding it hard to cope,
When you’re seeing more rain clouds
Than stars in the sky,
And you feel like giving up hope,

That’s the time when someone comes along
With a smile and a warm hug that says:
‘It’s okay – tomorrow will be a better day.
Don’t give up now, brighter moments
For you are surely on their way!’

Everything we send into our world,
Each thought, word and action,
In due course returns to us
With increased strength.
And if we reach out to someone who feels
Lost in earthly life, frightened and alone,
If we approach them with some kind words,
Accompanied by a smile and maybe a hug,
At some future point when we are
In need of comfort and support,
The kindness once given is sure
To return to us through
Someone reaching out for us.

That’s how the Universal law of cause and effect or Karma,
In due course, returns everything to us –
The good thoughts, words and deeds,
As well as the bad and evil ones.

Emily Matthews
Edited by Aquarius

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When The Curtain Goes Up (28b)

The Impossible Dream

To dream the impossible dream.
To fight the unbeatable foe.
To bear with unbearable sorrow.
To run where the brave dare not go.

To right the unrightable wrong.
To love pure and chaste from afar.
To try when your arms are too weary –
To reach the unreachable Star.

This is my quest:
To follow that star.
No matter how hopeless, no matter how far.
To fight for the right, without question or pause.
To be willing to march into hell, for a heavenly cause.

And I know, if I’ll only be true to this glorious quest,
That my heart will be peaceful and calm,
When I’m laid to my rest...
And the world will be better for this.
That one man [soul],
Scorned and covered with scars,
Still strove, with his last ounce of courage –
To reach the unreachable star.

From ‘The Man of La Mancha’ (Don Quixote)
Joe Darion and Mitch Leigh

In the fullness of time, this song’s unreachable star can and indeed is meant to be reached and that by every one of us. And whenever we spread fresh understanding of God’s sacred wisdom and truth, we act as lightbringers and sowers of seeds. That’s how every one of us, in due course, slowly but surely evolves into a shining star in their own right who is ever more at one with the Christ Star’s warmth and light. Nobody can do the work that’s necessary to achieve this on anyone’s behalf.

This is how constantly increasing amounts of our world’s darkness and fears are absorbed into the Star’s radiance. From there the Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle, the throne of God, who are in charge of the development of us and our world, can transmute them into blessing and healing energies that are flowing back to where they once came from.

However, the materialism of the early stages of our earthly education has its place in the plan of our earthly education. And its lack of love represents the first stirrings of our higher nature. The more we ascend the developmental spiral, the initial lower experiences are gradually left behind. Hidden behind the hunger and thirst for material possessions of the first part haves been the stirrings of our higher nature. This is why we long and yearn for love and to make contact with something we are as yet unable to understand.

This is how our higher nature with its intuitive powers begins to stir from its slumbering state. So far, we merely sense vaguely what’s involved. Even though we are as yet unable to be loving ourselves, we feel the need for it in our lives and yearn to be loved by someone. And that draws people into our orbit who are willing to love us in their very own unique way. Through their behaviour they are showing us what love means to them and that may not be at all like our idea of love.

Every human being eventually reaches the evolutionary stage when we begin to sense and feel the presence of higher dimensions of life, even though so far we may not consciously aware that they really exist. The initially tiny flame of love in everybody’s own heart kindles the longing for experiencing the true higher meaning of love. Intuitively, we know that there has to be more to it than lasting for the fragment of one earthly lifetime, something that will and cannot die and will be with us forever.

During this developmental phase, whenever we observe natural phenomena like nature’s awakening in spring, we sense that behind the manifestations of such beauty and splendour there just has to be a higher power that brings it all into being. This eventually brings us to the realisation that everything that exists in the whole of Creation, therefore also on the earthly plane, is the product of the greatest intellect of all, known as the Divine Trinity, who not only creates but also looks after the development and maintains even the tiniest particles of everything. Whenever we reflect on this, a feeling of love, peace and harmony begins to fill our whole being.

Updated April 2022

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26 Apr, 2022
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4 mins
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