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When the Winds Roar

When the Winds Roar

By cmorgan823

We were speeding down the highway towards home, when I noticed a line of storms coming over the horizon. We got home just a few minutes later, and my parents and sister went upstairs to take a nap. We got home right before the storms hit, and I was watching TV while they were sleeping, when the power started to flicker. The wind picked up. Then, things went from bad, to worse.
Just as the wind really picked up, the sirens went off. I realized with horror what was about to happen. I acted as fast as I could. I ran upstairs and pounded on my parents’ door. I screamed, “Its coming! GET UP! It’s coming right for us! GET UP!”
I ran to my room and grabbed my dog, Maggie, and ran to my sister’s room and grabbed her. We ran downstairs with my parents trailing not too far behind. I could hear things start to hit the house. We got to the cellar just as the monster tornado hit the house. We heard class breaking, wood snapping, and the house crumbling 1 floor above us. We got to the safe room just as the full force of it hit. I slammed the door shut.
The roar of the winds was deafening, and they drowned out the noise of my sister’s screaming. Then, there was nothing but silence.
As quickly as the storm came, it left. I opened the door, and was relieved to see that the basement hadn’t been greatly affected. I ran to the gas meter, and shut the gas of, as well as the Water and electricity. We then ascended the stairs, and I opened the door. There was nothing.
I quickly realized that this was an F-5, and all that was left was a couple of walls, and strangely enough, I and my sister’s pictures were left on the wall. The entire top floor was gone, as I had expected.
I fell to my knees and cried a quick sob. I then realized that my neighbors were nowhere in sight, so I ran to their house. It was still standing; Barely.
I ran in and yelled, “Hello?! Is everyone ok?!”
My friend, Alex, crawled out of the basement. “Yeah, it’s just me. All the other’s went to my Gram’s,” he explained.
I heard rumbling and crackling. Crap.
I grabbed him, and ran out the front door, just as the top floor came crashing down.
Just as it couldn’t have gotten any worse, it did.
The sirens blared once again, and we took off. We sprinted back to my house, where we met the rest of my family in the basement. We ran inside the safe-room, and listened as the wind picked up. The roar came back, even fiercer than before. My dad held the door, as it threatened to open. “HOLD ON, DAD,” I shrieked. The door ripped off, with my dad holding on. “DAD,” I screamed, and reached for his hand.
I was too late.
He was sucked into the tornado. The 5 of us screamed at the same time, until the wind died down, and the tornado left. We walked outside, looking for him. He was gone.
I collapsed. Everything went black.
I woke up in a hospital bed, and automatically knew it wasn’t a dream. First off, my mom was wearing the same battered clothes, and the clock read 9:51 P.M., Only about three hours since the time the tornado hit. I was upset beyond belief. My mom looked up at me, and she sobbed, as did I.
I knew three things at that moment: One, my dad was gone, and I wasn’t going to see him again. Two, my passion for weather has never been stronger. Lastly, we need to make sure no one has to go through this ever again. I also know that you should never say that a tornado will never come, because it will, and I’ll be waiting. In just 180 minutes my life has been torn apart, and flipped upside down. The house I had lived in since I was 7 has been reduced to a slab of concrete. I had nothing, and I knew it.
Alex’s parents came and got him, and they went to his Aunt’s to stay until their house is rebuilt. We are going to stay at my Grandparents for a while, and we will rebuild. The only thing is that no amount of things or money can ever equal up to a human life, because they are so valuable.


“For the most outstanding dedication to a worthy cause, and advancements in scientific technology, the 2015 Nobel Prize Award for Extreme Dedication, Education, and protection from severe weather is… Colin Morecant”.
The applause was thunderous as I received the award. My Acceptance speech was short, but I made sure people understood why I have done this.
I started to speak after they stopped clapping, “Five years ago, my life was shattered as two EF-5 Tornadoes destroyed my home in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. During the second tornado, my father, Richard Morecant, was sucked into the vortex and was killed when he was thrown 600 yards from our house. That moment was the worst of my life, and I was lucky because many other lives were spared due to the siren warning system I helped put into place. Since then, many more people have listened to, and joined the cause of saving lives from tornadoes. It is with a happy heart that I thank all of you for this honor, and great support.”
Cameras clicked and there was another wave of thunderous applause. From then on, I would be happy, and my father and my soul could finally rest in peace. But remember, when the winds roar, I’ll always be weary, and I’ll always be ready.


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About This Story
3 Oct, 2010
Read Time
4 mins
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