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When You Think Of Me

When You Think Of Me

By Simon Cowell

When you think of me remember the smile I put upon your face ,
dont think back to those times I was a discrace ,
when you think of me remember the jokes I used to tell ,
and how id smile even when I was unwell ,
when you think of me think of the love I had inside ,...
and not those times you couldnt abide,
when you think of me know how much I care ,
even though im no longer there ,
when you think of me remember my music ,
and smile when you see me in a family pic ,
when you think of me think of all the good times we had ,
and when im no longer here please dont ever be sad ,
think of me in a wonderful place ,
then put that smile right back upon your face ,
when you think of me just you know ,
ill be thinking of you forever even though I had to go .... S cowell

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About The Author
Simon Cowell
About This Story
24 Apr, 2014
Read Time
<1 min
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