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White Satin

White Satin

By Mitzi Danielson-Kaslik

As the day closes its curtains

And the light of the sun dies

The ebony perfection of night

Reviles it’s glory to the world

The soft perfect calling of night

Opposed to the abrasion of day

Conceals the celestial sin of lovers

As they lay in the joy of darkness

Soft white satin peaking against

Their flesh, cooled in the sweet

Subdued silence of the love

Performing night

They moan as the night comes

And their sins are concealed

By the secrecy of blackness

In the covertness of stars

But in summer the nights

Are short and lovers

Are afforded less time in

The sweet sinful embrace

Of love and lust and passion

So they lay in white satin sheets

Even in the day and pray

They aren’t seen in sin

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About The Author
Mitzi Danielson-Kaslik
About This Story
29 Dec, 2019
Read Time
<1 min
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